This kitten named Zeus I once had a kitten name Zeus He was tiny at first but then grew He was spoiled all of the time I gave him treats and he was fine I always let him go outside to play He would lay in the chair some days He was friends with midnight the cat I would often give both of them a pat Together they would share their meals Two great felines and that is how I feel But this is about Zeus So I will now continue This kitty was born with lots of energy I have videos of him playing frantically I wish I had taken more photographs This kitty I want his memory to last He loved jumping and running around He would not leave the yard I found I had a friend that really liked Zeus I thought she would like to have him too I said my goodbyes to this awesome cat And off he went and I tipped my cap The person I gave him to changed his name Oberon she calls him, to me it's all the same He is a great little kitten and I miss him But I'm glad he's with her growing big ©Schizology This kitten named Zeus #kitten #Pet #poem✍🧡🧡💛