Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

कुछ बाते - पार्ट १ ignore the mistakes , as I did

कुछ बाते - पार्ट १

ignore the mistakes , as I didn't take any retake for this..!
yes, any kind of suggestions are warmly acceptable feel to share ...!!

#nojoto #poetry #love #poem #part1 #incomplate #kavita #romance #first_audio_poem #story #storyteller #beginner #like #support #suggest #afsana

कुछ बाते - पार्ट १ ignore the mistakes , as I didn't take any retake for this..! yes, any kind of suggestions are warmly acceptable feel to share ...!! #Nojoto #Poetry #Love #poem #Part1 #incomplate #kavita #romance #first_audio_poem #story #StoryTeller #beGiNnER #Like #Support #suggest #Afsana