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எல்லாருமே Over smart-அ இருந்தாங்க -னா அங்க Game O

எல்லாருமே Over smart-அ இருந்தாங்க -னா 
அங்க Game Over...
then life கூட Interest-அ‌ இருக்காது,
so love இருக்கட்டும் over love um வேண்டாம்.

எல்லாம் normal இருக்கும் வரை
எல்லோரும் நல்லது.

PraveeN_kumar_lk If everyone oversmart, then there is game over and no interest in life
so normal love is enough, don't give over love(it will give maybe over pain),

Everything is normal level and everything is fine in your life or we have to face over happy or over pain.
எல்லாருமே Over smart-அ இருந்தாங்க -னா 
அங்க Game Over...
then life கூட Interest-அ‌ இருக்காது,
so love இருக்கட்டும் over love um வேண்டாம்.

எல்லாம் normal இருக்கும் வரை
எல்லோரும் நல்லது.

PraveeN_kumar_lk If everyone oversmart, then there is game over and no interest in life
so normal love is enough, don't give over love(it will give maybe over pain),

Everything is normal level and everything is fine in your life or we have to face over happy or over pain.

If everyone oversmart, then there is game over and no interest in life so normal love is enough, don't give over love(it will give maybe over pain), Everything is normal level and everything is fine in your life or we have to face over happy or over pain. #Pain #Happy #happyending #gravity_quotes #என்_தூலின்_பதிவு