Dear moon, You were visible till just a few minutes ago. That is, until the clouds decided this earth needed some rain. It hasn't started raining yet and that slight rainbow around you is visible. The clouds are a tinge if red and maroon now. They'll be grey and eventually black soon. //please read the caption// Dear moon, You were visible till just a few minutes ago. That is, until the clouds decided this earth needed some rain. It hasn't started raining yet and that slight rainbow around you is visible. The clouds are a tinge of red and maroon now. They'll be grey and eventually black soon. I don't have a steaming cup of coffee with me at this point, and no accompanying blanket nor a soul I can share childhood heartbreaks with. I don't have a glass of whisky, broken or otherwise nor am I basking in the fume of cigarettes. It doesn't qualify for anything fashionable, what I'm doing right now. But then, nothing I've done has ever been "in trend" per se. I'm just here because the wind feels nice and I have a few minutes of silence with me before the rain drops turn musicians on the asbestos roof of the neighbour's house.