I like to think, it were the lights. You know, the

I like to think, it were the lights. You know, the sunlight on half of your face. The same sunlight, I try running from and under which the bulbul sings. The bird is tiny and it is learning its melodies, refining them. 
I like to believe I can add words to its song. Words you invented, words like home, us.  You mumbled in your sleep. 
A birdsong (3) 

#abirdsong #thecoldair #yqbaba #yqquotes #poetry #yourquotebaba #yqchallenge #yqbabaquotes
I like to think, it were the lights. You know, the sunlight on half of your face. The same sunlight, I try running from and under which the bulbul sings. The bird is tiny and it is learning its melodies, refining them. 
I like to believe I can add words to its song. Words you invented, words like home, us.  You mumbled in your sleep. 
A birdsong (3) 

#abirdsong #thecoldair #yqbaba #yqquotes #poetry #yourquotebaba #yqchallenge #yqbabaquotes