Here is the critical appreciation of my poem SOMETHING I LOOK AT-54 by non other than Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literary critic in beautiful words.Thanks and gratitude sir for your words of appreciation Dear Smruti Ranjaniji, Your poem titled"Something I Look at-54"is an ample tribute to women and the yeoman services they render to humanity in multiple ways,a woman comes to the life of a child as a mother,she bears a child for ten months,delivers him/her with much pain,tends him/her with much consideration and care,takes him/her around to show the moon in the sky and teaches him/her to reach out to scale the difficult and torturous terrines in life.It is imperative that a woman of such magnanimous nature should not be banished and taken to the wire,instead she must be nurtured and taken care of under any trying situation.She is an embodiment of what the child is,the denial of her existence is a denial of life itself in all its various dimensions and strands.Till the last moment,the poem is kept in a state of suspense with respect to its theme,but at the end,the suspense is removed and the clear idea is ushered in slowly but resolutely,this poem is all about a comparison between a mother and poetry,the skill of poetry writing is equated with motherly affection and that skill must not be destroyed by anyone on account of many factors influencing life,instead this ability must be honed and brought up steadily in one's life,so that this authentic skill can furnish us with everything and anything in the course of time.Let us all embrace the poetic faculty which does have the motherly affectionate side to it all the way.Kudos to you for composing such a poem of magnificent nature. Written by Cijo Joseph Chennelil Associate Professor Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology Chethipuzha Changanassary Kottayam District Kerala India All Copyrights Reserved@ On 10th September 2017. SOMETHING I LOOK AT-54 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Never is the woman a burden who carried you all along never can she be a burden who put you on her shoulder to show you the skyline never she is a liability who lived her whole life for you and inculcated in you the drive to look at the moon Don't kill her when she is still alive If you torn her heart into pieces each piece will have your name inscribed if you bring tears in her eyes each drop will reflect you and tell different stories, each more vivid and poignant than the other It is she incarnate in you peep into her heart it is you who reign there don't break it you will only break yourself don't put fire in that beautiful garden you will only burn yourself look at her eyes which only see you listen to her heart that only beats for you, she is flowing in your every artery and vein, her whole being is you Look at her the poetry of love and dedication only needs a bit of it to carry her a little further don't think she is a burden, she is your first and last line of defence, always with you for ever make her life cup full you will get the ocean in return copyright@smrutiranjan 7.9.2017 Here is the critical appreciation of my poem SOMETHING I LOOK AT-54 by non other than Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literary critic in beautiful words.Thanks and gratitude sir for your words of appreciation Dear Smruti Ranjaniji, Your poem titled"Something I Look at-54"is an ample tribute to women and the yeoman services they render to humanity in multiple ways,a woman comes to the life of a child as a mother,she bears a child for ten months,delivers him/her with much pain,tends him/her with much consideration and care,takes him/her around to show the moon in the sky and teaches him/her to reach out to scale the difficult and torturous terrines in life.It is imperative that a woman of such magnanimous nature should not be banished and taken to the wire,instead she must be nurtured and taken care of under any trying situation.She is an embodiment of what the child is,the denial of her existence is a denial of life itself in all its various dimensions and strands.Till the last moment,the poem is kept in a state of suspense with respect to its theme,but at the end,the suspense is removed and the clear idea is ushered in slowly but resolutely,this poem is all about a comparison between a mother and poetry,the skill of poetry writing is equated with motherly affection and that skill must not be destroyed by anyone on account of many factors influencing life,instead this ability must be honed and brought up steadily in one's life,so that this authentic skill can furnish us with everything and anything in the course of time.Let us all embrace the poetic faculty which does have the motherly affectionate side to it all the way.Kudos to you for composing such a poem of magnificent nature. Written by Cijo Joseph Chennelil Associate Professor Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology Chethipuzha Changanassary Kottayam District Kerala India All Copyrights Reserved@ On 10th September 2017.