Dairy farm Wake up at three am Brew a pot of coffee You must be alert To start at three-thirty Working on dairy farm Is absolutely amazing Bringing the cows in From a night of grazing Walking up the field The dog comes too The cows follow in order To the barn for some food Once back in the barn They all take their places Each get a pile of straw You should see their faces One scoop of soybeans And one of ground corn Soon time to get the milk Because it is early morn A few cows were shy Maybe two or three One was very timid She did not like me Another was always happy Throwing food in the air She must be content And not have a care Cows are so friendly Petting them is good And talk to them too It puts them in a good mood One bull was on the farm I kept his pen clean Gave him plenty of straw I'm glad he wasn't mean The calves jump and run So very energetic I always liked them Even if they kicked I would love to go return On a dairy farm again With both cows and bulls A dairy farm I rate a ten ©Schizology Dairy farm #farmlife #Cows #poem