SOMETHING I LOOK AT-97 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY I AM YOUR SERVANT My Lord! the more I run away from you, the more I feel alienated, the more I think I am walking on my own the more I deceive myself, the more miserable I become. The moment I think, I am the doer, You move away from my vision, the darkness of the universe descends, life becomes too heavy a burden, living a meaningless struggle. Under the spell of maya I come again and again, forget You, our relation. You always lure me with your wealth and splendour, I fall an easy prey to it and consider Your affluence as the be all and end all, deprive me of You, Your bliss and make a mess of my life Please remind me as and when l go wrong. My Lord! a servant remains a servant, can he ever become master of his own? What to do with your wealth? Let me remain where i was, at your lotus feet, my love and treasure The meaning of my life lies only in carrying out Your orders, not in carrying myself looking after Your affluence, doing Your work, without being involved, as a servant and caretaker. My life and its fulfilment lies not in gratifying my senses, feeding my ego and appetite, but in real surrender at thy feet I may run away, may commit a thousand mistakes, but the Master is the Master, He can never go wrong. Wherever and in whichever situation I am, my chain is forever in Your hand. You are always my master, be with me, be on my lips, be before my eyes in my moment's of bliss and idiocy, misadventure and stupidity. You are my only possession. Without You, Your gift, my life on earth is meaningless like a flower without hue and fragrance. Here nobody and nothing is mine. Let me have you in me, the only reality in all my moments, conscious subconscious and unconscious My lord! if my love is true, my craving is genuine, let me surrender with my heart and soul. A servant can only beg for his Master's mercy, be with me, be it heaven or hell, hardly matter, guide and see me through Your cosmic illusion and let me remain Your servant forever, here and hereafter. © smrutiranjan 18.8.2018 #SOMETHING I LOOK AT-97 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY I AM YOUR SERVANT My Lord! the more I run away from you, the more I feel alienated,