Welcome to the 21st Century where SEX is FREE and LOVE is EXPENSIVE, where LOSING phone is more PAINFUL than LOSING your VIRGINITY, where MODERNIZATION means NUDITY(NAKED), where if you don't SMOKE or DRINK you are out of FASHION, where if don't CHEAT on partner it's because you are not SMART or CLEVER, where the BATHROOMS have become PHOTO STUDIOS, where TEMPLES become DATING POINTS, where to WORSHIP GOD is DIFFICULT, where LIES become REALITIES where the WOMEN fear PREGNANCY more than STD's , where a PIZZA DELIEVERY is FASTER than EMERGENCY RESPONSE, PERSPECTIVES and DRIP DECIEDE the value of a person ,where the BOYS/GIRLS are AFRAID of MARRIAGE but LOVE having SEX, where whoever PLAYS the MIND always gets happiness but whoever plays with the HEART gets HURT , MODERNITY LOVE and LIQUID EDUCATION #The #New #Generation #of #Humanity We’re not becoming modern and liberated; the real fact is that humanity has lost morals and dignity. Many humans choose convenience over conscience. Humans prefer to worship and praise other human beings rather than the Creator of heaven and earth. ©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا Welcome to the 21st Century where SEX is FREE and LOVE is EXPENSIVE, where LOSING phone is more PAINFUL than LOSING your VIRGINITY, where MODERNIZATION means NUDITY(NAKED), where if you don't SMOKE or DRINK you are out of FASHION, where if don't CHEAT on partner it's because you are not SMART or CLEVER, where the BATHROOMS have become PHOTO STUDIOS, where TEMPLES become DATING POINTS, where to WORSHIP GOD is DIFFICULT, where LIES become REALITIES where the WOMEN fear PREGNANCY more than STD's , where a PIZZA DELIEVERY is