Don't stress yourself, Else you'll hurt yourself. Try to be patient, So that you can be radiant; And be a healer on yourself. Focus on your goals, So that you can be bold. Fly towards your dreams, You can rise above your screams; And your heart won't be sold. Maintain your dignity, To live a life of serenity. Maintain your inner peace, To promote external peace; And live with an identity. Welcome to the day 3 of #YoPoDiMo or the YourQuote Poetry Diversity Month i.e. September. Today, we constrain ourselves with a numbered poem. Creativity comes truly when we try to restrain it. Let's see if less is more. Write a #15wordpoem in this #NumberedPoem challenge. #poemtime Here is my try : Finger nails, just clipped, strewn in the balcony,