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Bitter truths: Life has become less dear tho' ende

Bitter truths:
Life has become less dear tho' endearments like 'dear' are frequently used.

There is more bitterness in hearts despite the term 'sweetheart' being used ever so often.

We hate one another more and yet let the term 'love you' slip so easily.

Expensive cutlery is handled more carefully while faithful hearts are broken more easily.

Love these days is more demonstrative and worn on the sleeve rather than being kept in hearts and well received. 

Sigh! and life goes on.. #chitstruth
Bitter truths:
Life has become less dear tho' endearments like 'dear' are frequently used.

There is more bitterness in hearts despite the term 'sweetheart' being used ever so often.

We hate one another more and yet let the term 'love you' slip so easily.

Expensive cutlery is handled more carefully while faithful hearts are broken more easily.

Love these days is more demonstrative and worn on the sleeve rather than being kept in hearts and well received. 

Sigh! and life goes on.. #chitstruth