#OpenPoetry SOMETHING I LOOK AT-125 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY ILLUSION Somewhere someone is dying every moment. Somewhere someone is dispossessed of his wealth for all time. Somewhere someone is praying for extra years of life. Somewhere someone is wishing the whole of the world and its wealth to be his I know life is not mine, nor the wealth and power that surrounds me Life and wealth are Your gifts, but I claim it as a matter of right. I know nothing I can possess, I can only enjoy things that come in my way for some time. But I intend to grab more and more and add to life a few agonising years when hands and legs, body and mind will be hardly under my control. I want to live till my death becomes a necessity, till I become unbearable for others, till the body language and gesture of my own tell me it should be allover as they can't carry me anymore. Today or tomorrow I will die, bid farewell to this beautiful world leaving everything behind, my wealth, power, relations and friends. None will accompany me, none will wish and dare to I see people dying, I know how transitory is pelf and power, how futile and fragile is human relationship but still, I boast of these things and wish to have them by all means. Maa! how spellbinding is your Maya, that makes me blind to reality. I forgot you, forgot the purpose of life, forgot after so many incarnations this human life not to remain engrossed in the worldly world but to move few steps ahead towards truth and eternity. Most of us revolve around your affluence, very few come out of it and know the real You that You are, the epitome of bliss, my ever caring ever loving Maa Unless and until you let me realise I am You and You are me, grace me to be at your lotus feet, to remain as Your caretaker, living every moment as you wish. Never for a minute let me feel I am the doer, let the servant remain a servant, live under Your loving shadow, doing his part in Your cosmic venture. A son is a son till he is matured I am your immature son, always in your lap forever, here and after. Smruti Ranjan Mohanty© All Copyrights Reserved. #SOMETHING I LOOK AT-125 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY ILLUSION Somewhere someone is dying every moment. Somewhere