SOMETHING I LOOK AT-11 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY MY SISTER True is that thread of love True are those captivating moments True is that fascinating world True is that early childhood For which one can live and die True is that mother's womb That gave birth to you and me True is that lovely sister Who only loved and loved Expecting nothing in reciprocation True are those hands that picked my fingers And taught me How to walk on the thorny path of life And make it to the top True are the disasters We encountered True are those catastrophes We witnessed True is the way you fought Stood rock solid And safely brought us ashore True is the sweetest of relationships We had And the nicest of moments We shared True is the manner in which We fought and encountered The ups and downs of life And came out with flying colours True is that The most beautiful thing That can happen to man Is a woman Who in all her forms Fulfils and completes a man True that the cutest of relationships One can ever have is with a sister A perfect companion and a true guide Whose only concern is her brother's wellbeing True is that A brother is never too old To have the hands of a sister On his head And He is never big enough To miss that delicate touch The thread of love That binds for a lifetime One with the other Smruti Ranjan Mohanty© #SOMETHING I LOOK AT-11 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY MY SISTER True is that thread of love True are those captivating moments True is that fascinating world