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Let's vibe till whenever 😉💃 RELATIONSHIP! HUSTLE ! LIFE!

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Chapter 25.
😪its 2337hrs E.A.T can we kiss forever?! 
No that's not a question
The  instrumental is looped over and over again on his one eared techno earphones and he See's this sad but true reply and his like "daim kate star just Read my mind", but this time it's the other way round.. Bless you l!& link up
You are a trustworthy person for her, usually people share their feelings with the someone they can trust.

SHe has love for you but she can not express now, what she is looking for just a shoulder. once she recovered, she will be again long gone.

Do not think much, this will again push you into the past. you are in square loop, you are not having smooth walk. Every time you complete one side of square you trying to take rest and that rest is full of such situation. make it a circle do not take rest.

May be she is trying to say sorry, but trust me you don’t need that sorry, Instead you should be sorry for having such person in your life.

May be she is fighting with the same situation that he/ she puts you five months back. This is karma, and ata realize why this is happening kwake . Care for your heart not this girly, why you need to talk, let it go, ignore her,ignore him😉 (for my female readers)", said mapepo zake😂. 

Just remember barney,when you're ignoring someone, you’re actually teaching them how to live without you. This time the 3am thought's were deep. Deeper like Nelson's love to selina, deeper  than zunde's obsession to pilli.

©WANJOS #3amthoughts #imsorry #wanjosentertainment


He has never felt so afraid. Scared of his own body. 
What he saw shocked him.a sharp image passed through his viceage and suddenly he sensed danger and immediately tried to open up his eyes but access denied. He tried to raise his head but still access denied, his right hand felt like solid rock joined with gorilla glue. It was at that moment that he knew he was f*ed up. "John,! Joooohn 

He screamed as he tried to make a sound any that would raise an alarm but it was null and void. No hopes yet 
 Everything at that moment was dark,  so quiet that barney could hear his heart pounding. 
He tried to open his mouth and call His Maker maybe he would intervene as He did that 26th day that seventh month" black September it was!

 But still no movement was successful. Call unto me and i Will give you rest i will show you Great things that ...." Those words stroke o his mind as soon as he was about to give up.

Joooohn! He called again as he then tries to fidget his left arm. Luckily his phalanges moved! But only the phalanges.
His mind was blank nothing to think about but the lords prayer. No sooner had he said Amen than he found his left arm up.

Have you ever experienced a blackout then suddenly power turns on?!
Just as that the system rebooted he was awake but what felt like a dream seemed so real. 
He went down on his knees again and said Grace. In my dream i didn't dance. Barney didn't sleep again neither did he narrate the ordeal. Even if he did  who  would have Bought it. You could have all The richness in the world but when trouble comes, when calamity strikes, when your day of judgement reaches those bodyguards wont stop it neither your fame, sucess or wealth but Allah your God will always stand by you.
And then this is just shitti article /post to some of you, but you know what? You will never understand untill it happens to you. &i Hope when it does it finds your' faith strong because you will have been paralysed with fear

      The wake-up call!

©WANJOS #nightmare #sleepparalysys #wanjosentertainment



SO all along girls know!

When a girl likes a guy her friend's can tell
When the guy likes her she knows
When her friend is in love they can tell
They know when their friend is happy
They know if her man isn't treating her right

A girl knows when  his man isn't loyal
They know when it's time to hold on
They know when it's enough
A girl can love your ass to death but still never talk to you again.

They know how to love and be loyal.
They also know how to forget about you bruh.
I don't know how i knew about this but truth is that they just know.

So before you do that silly thing that will cause you regreat, just pause and ask what if she finds out will she know how to forgive me? 
But do you know what they don't know? 
What  a toxic man's intention with her heart is
If your answer is I don't kNOw?  Then that's your answer !NO
      ...______.... So love them unconditionally and don't try to understand them because them themselves Don't knOw how to.!

©WANJOS #girltalk #wanjosentertainment 

#sunkissed  Phyll Nimoh Enock Khapoya Mwangi Kirungoh  Mwangi Kirungoh Enock Khapoya Phyll Nimoh

#girltalk #wanjosentertainment #sunkissed Phyll Nimoh Enock Khapoya Mwangi Kirungoh Mwangi Kirungoh Enock Khapoya Phyll Nimoh #Life




Suddenly all those songs will begin to make sense. Then you will know that the authors were in the same state you are right now but overcame the pandemic.
And one day you will kiss her goodnight
And tell her the sweet words 
But only to wake up the next day 
With less love she had for you previously

What was once bundle of joy is now a fantasy
The smell of her perfume
The taste of her lips
The touch of her love
 All this will all be gone

A lover turned to a crush, a stranger or worse enemy
Leaving you with heart aches
You are not heartbroken but cracked wide open

Maybe she/he  left you hints..clues but you was too dumb to notice.

Now it may be too late.
But if it takes  five to ten years to get that one year you lost then so be it.
The blow under the belt is served with a hard pill for you to swallow
The more you loved her the further you push her.

Its time to let bigons be bigons
But just as he was at the verge of giving up the unexpected  happened
An angel  caught him just before hitting hard on the ground

He hopes that this time thing's would work out
That this time he'd see the signs.
Dreams are better than reality.Falling in love for the second time isn’t that easy, especially when you have been so terribly dealt with, the first time, but then love is an inevitable force of attraction which do come to every human being, and when it comes, carries your whole body, soul and even sense of reasoning with it………Truly i was so scared of being

©WANJOS #wetogether


4-The place id love to visit
Some would want to voyage the 7 seas &see Some would want to visit the American streets they see on flix
Everyone has his/her own fantasies and am not an exception but today I am
Im seated on my  water bed, though my mind is dry
I don't know what to talk about but its worth the try
I want to take a tour an expensive one, id pay for anything just to reach that. That's a place I know you've never thought about but would love to.. 
In my mind im thinking of visiting a special someone's mind. Know how she feels. See if she likes me back, ask her conscious if id stand a chance then counter her with the best moves

Id love to visit his mind, 
To know what he thinks, to see what triggers him to write so well. Check if he has a bird's eve view of some things in my daily life he coincidentally writes and ask if I'll buy that *"car"* or i have "No-sta-r" left to shine on my way😂
Id love to visit its mind. To acertain if its loyal as they say.To check if it really sees the ghosts and if so, deliver a message to my ancestor.
 I want to get lost, deep inside your thoughts. As a river flowing in you and see why you so much love poetry and that other thing you do when alone.
Change your feelings at the moment as I play to  that new grand piano i got as a patting gift
‎I could go on but above all id love to set a one way endless journey and see my maker. Ask Him to spare me. And if id remember i could sing praise to Him as i press those keys on  the grand.

But then id love to travel back to reality. Meet and conquer my worst fears. Fear does things to people but it's the ups and down in life that makes it interesting right??😜📴

©WANJOS #Journey



A True  Tough Love Of The African Parent.

Just as it's brown on the outside and White on the inside, so are they tough on the outside and loving on the inside
 You can't know what they'll decide
Before their wrath descends on you like a missile
With that red Alfa killo 47 we call slipers
With just one round but makes you run round in shivers
Or a slim snake like pipe borrowed from jirani.
Straight sending hungry you to bed in tears.
Before sneaking back to appease your raging insatiable worms at midnight.
Knocking the grey lid down, louder than a landmine 
Here comes mom and again you are terrified
But she serves it warm as she smiled.

The Tough Love Of An African Parent.

Your broad chest makes you proud and restless,
Or your broad hips makes them feel you are their goddess.
It's just a minute before dad notices
And all these nonsense will become a past tense
As he'll administer his tough love of the African parent.

Soft on call's when we are miles away, they will keep on calling as they fast and pray!
But after one morning when we are back at home😂 well be the live story of tom &jerry tales
 We still love you no mater what you say.
Because that's a story the Whites will never tell.

 You can't say sorry even if it's yours mistake
But when you're truly sorry your face will tell


©WANJOS #africanparent



Human takes time to heal of whatever hurt us.
But then what does it take for you to forgive someone?? 
I Wanjos....never thought that one day i would sit down and think about a woman😂 but i bet that's what they call love! 
You follow your heart wherever it goes.
Do you know what love does?? It lifts you up and puts you down, turning your life around
 Sometimes people go through alot that they fuck up.. But then before you judge them you have to understand the motive and reason of what drove them to do it. What's the reason of being with someone who you don't trust. Keep in mind that The first person to make a move, the first person to apologise is not the weak but the strongest, so just reach out and proof your love.
What's the point of hiding when everyone knows you have an unfinished business

benayaih Wanjala #meltingdown


.............. #RIPHUMANITY


She told me she wasnt in a relationship with anyone
but i had trust issues
i asked her if someone was in a relationship with her

she froze.
BenayaiaihWanjala #alone


Then came you,

The sweetest meals are always little
The best memories are always limited

You and I,was almost
We were almost a thing

It is always almost.
Changeful as summer winds
Almost something that never happened

Was not 
Won't be


benayaihWanjala changefull as summer winds all hearts they capture in love sweet rapture#chai #online

changefull as summer winds all hearts they capture in love sweet rapturechai #online
