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Payal Suri Sabharwal

Nobody can't beat u until u want✌️

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Payal Suri Sabharwal

White Society believes that only those in the highest positions deserve respect and value. But if everyone chases the same top job, how will society function? For example, the UPSC exam is one of the toughest, and many aspire to clear it. If they don’t succeed, they feel disappointed.

We shouldn’t run after a job; instead, we should focus on preparation, which is in our control. Getting the position is not always in our hands.

Every individual and profession deserves respect because society is built on all kinds of work. A civil servant’s duty is to serve society, not to establish superiority through their position.

©Payal Suri Sabharwal #GoodMorning #nojotostory#nojotoshayri#nojotohindi#poem#inspiringwords#nojotohindi#nojotoenglish

Payal Suri Sabharwal

White  Since childhood, people start asking a child about their aim in life. But the truth is, every individual is on their own journey of self-discovery. A person’s growth largely depends on the people around them and the mindset they adopt from their surroundings. In reality, whether someone is right or wrong, successful or not, is often shaped by their environment. Yet, we tend to judge and criticize individuals without considering their perspectives and situations.

©Payal Suri Sabharwal #nojotostory#nojotohindi#nojotopoetry#nojotopoem#love#life#innervoice

Payal Suri Sabharwal


Payal Suri Sabharwal


Payal Suri Sabharwal

White एक चिड़िया है जिसे क़ैद किया गया है। 
माना खाने-पीने को सब कुछ दिया गया है, 
हर एक दाने की क़ीमत बताई गई है उसको, 
उसकी पहचान बार-बार याद दिलाई गई है उसको। 
शर्तें हैं बस कुछ सबकी। थोड़ा-थोड़ा सा ही उड़ना है, 
जितना वो कहें बस उतना ही आसमां छूना है। 
देख लो चाहे जितना आसमां घोंसले से झाँक कर,
 उस घोंसले के बाहर हर क़दम का हिसाब उन्होंने रखना है। 
बस अब क्या, उस चिड़िया ने तो रोज़ बिखरना है...

पहले बारिश देखकर खुश होती थी वो, 
अब तूफ़ान का इंतज़ार करती है वो।
 टूट जाए घोंसला तो क्या ग़म है, एक ऊँची उड़ान तो भरूंगी।
 देखूं, क्या आसमान में मुझसे ज़्यादा दम है?
 हिसाब-किताब से परे उड़ान होगी उसकी,
 एक अलग सी ही पहचान होगी उसकी... 
ख़्वाहिशें अभी ज़िंदा हैं, और ख़्वाहिशों का ही नाम परिंदा है।

©Payal Suri Sabharwal #hindi_diwas #nojatohindi#nojotopoetry#nojotoshayri#nojotopoem

Payal Suri Sabharwal


Today’s world, it's clear to see,
Houses, money, luxury—important they be.
But the things that truly matter most,
Are the ones we're losing, almost like ghosts.

Love, care, and kindness, all free to share,
Yet no one gives, and few seem to care.
Everyone's chasing their own little prize,
Forgetting that goodness doesn't have a price.

©Payal Suri Sabharwal #nojotostory#nojotopoetry#nojotoshayri#nojotostoryteller

Payal Suri Sabharwal


Payal Suri Sabharwal


Payal Suri Sabharwal

White We gave everything we had, without thinking,

Offered all, never asked for anything,

Hoped for a little respect in return,

But it seemed, that's not what we earn.

Learned respect often comes with money,

But we never wanted riches, honey.

©Payal Suri Sabharwal #nojotopoetry#nojotoshayri#nojotoenglish#love#life#innervoice

Payal Suri Sabharwal
