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Miss Mishra

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Miss Mishra


There will always be someone in this life who just doesn’t like you, no matter how hard you try to please them.
There will always be something that you say, or do, which causes offence or division. 
Whether you meant to or not.
There will always be someone who finds fault in you, your life or your words.
You may never find out why, please don’t waste your precious time trying to.

You can’t be everyone’s cup of tea.

Then there will be those who like you on impact. 
A little fizz of energy that passes between you. 
Silently, unseen, bonding.
Those people will not only like you but they will like you fiercely. 
They are your people. 
Whatever spare time you have, spend it on them.

You can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but you can be someone’s first sip of a cold drink on a sunny day…

Or a warming hot chocolate when you come in from the rain
or the pop of a long awaited champagne cork
or a stiff shot of tequila when things go awry

Find your people, 
love them hard.....

©Miss Mishra

Miss Mishra

Sympathy or love

 Nowadays people do sympathetic love but not Love
 Love demands sacrifice no one can do for you except some special persons in your life. Top of the list are your parents,
 No matter how bad you are they never judge you by your personality faults ,they accept you wholeheartedly the way you are  when no one else do.They leave for you everything which they got by hard labour they do strenuous task just for the betterment of their children even when they are not alive children get the fruits of their labour ..
 Other people còme in your life do sympathy and you mistook it for love as it is disguised by sympathy it doesn't last long and vanished away after sometime

 From my little observation

©Miss Mishra #Love 


Miss Mishra

I am done with humans
I want alien friends now.

©Miss Mishra

Miss Mishra

I am done with humans
I want alien friends now.

©Miss Mishra

Miss Mishra

Falling in love is easy, it may not even take a minute to fall in love with a beautiful woman/man, but staying in love is difficult. If the love is one sided, it can take one's entire life to get out of it.
 The problem is that, we don't have choice so far as love is concerned, we can't decide whether we should love a person or not, it is spontaneous, an impulse or inclination without premeditation.. 🌹

©Miss Mishra
  Falling in love is easy.......✍️

Falling in love is easy.......✍️ #Love


Miss Mishra

 Am good, it only hurts when am breathing,
 There's real hurt, there is real pain,
 The very words I said, ' Fly far away,
 let me fall, don't hurt for me,
  abandon this old nest.' betrayed me.
 It hurts more than bleeding wounds.
 This old nest needed you, it failed to shelter another,
 I care that's why it hurts,
 Am losing myself beyond normal death,
 Am hurtingly dead inside yet am still breathing,
 Sadly am expecting the worst,
 cause this is what I always get,
 I miss the conversations we had and hurting words,
 They only hurt my feelings.
 But this silence that drifted you off my grid,
 Breaks my heart over and over again,
 More hurting that I treasured you more,
 Yet you never valued me,
 It's okay you walked away though I miss you.
 All I wanted to be for us was,
 'Shoulders to cry, a pat on the head,
 a hand to hold and a pure love to you, not a sticky glue.

 Am scared..........💔

©Miss Mishra #blindtrust

Miss Mishra

The Self is missing
 In most of the people, the Self is missing.
 Even i myself, when i think about myself,
 i find the self nowhere! Isn't it a tragedy?
 Our thoughts are hijacked, our ideas belong to someone else. We don't have anything to claim as ourselves. The fashion and style we follow is not our own. The language we use for communication is not ours. When we want to prove ourselves right, instead to come out with a reasonable logic, we borrow from others by presenting their quotes and sayings. 
We think for others, we do for others and we believe for others. So where is the Self?
 It is the most important thing to think once in a day, Who am I ?

©Miss Mishra #rain

Miss Mishra

When your closest people break your trust,
 A friend you had trusted more than yourself
 When that person turns out to be someone who breaks your heart as an individual you tend to become bitter about the entire feeling of being around people trusting people....
when someone leaves, it creates avoid in your life,Void  of Warmth, Connection, the Belongingness the Support and it creates trust issues in your heart and brain along with the void.
 You can't bring back  the gone, and believing in the new is what you are scared of It's a very weird  space to be in....
A space where you know that you need hope... But you are scared to be hopeful because you are scared that you will have to go through heartbreaks again, 
But Someone reminded me today that,There are things that we go through...
 No matter, how hard we try, we can't  make those right in the moment...
 It will take Sometime , to bring back the confidence again , but it will come back And it is important to trust in the  process which says;
 This Too Shall Pass✨

©Miss🔥Mishra #Apni #kalam 


Miss Mishra

I don't believe in love at first sight. I believe in love at first debate, first argument, first inside joke, first genuine laughter after a lifetime of sadness. I believe in love at first heartfelt conversation, first completely comfortable un-awkward silence. I believe in love at first support through hardships, first shared pain and first divided joy. I don't believe in falling in love with a face. I believe in falling in love with a mind and a soul...♥️

©Miss🔥Mishra #loveatfirstsight #Opinion #Soul#❤️ki🖊️se

Miss Mishra

Everything in life is temporary.
So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won't last forever.
And if things are going bad, don't worry. It cant last forever either...

©Miss🔥Mishra #Apni #Quote #LastThursdayof2k21
