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Overwhelmed after going through each review and personal messages in appreciating the efforts that we kept in as a team ....A cordial thanks from the team Break Up to each one of you for your love

just for information 

Most of the credit for the short film Break Up goes to the Actors And Actress
Arshad and Nisha Rani who were superb... although it was their first experience and appearance as an artists Despite of that they gave their best in performing effortlessly 

The two important voice overs who made us felt  their presence with their voices
Vinay Boss and Pankaj
who were absolutely natural at their conversation 

and would like to thank the co-dialogue writer Manish garg for adding his Words

And not forgetting the main pillar behind this short film
Mr. Mahesh Garg for his solid support 

Thanking You All 

🙏🙏🙏 #Isolated



When the Entire humanity was waken and shaken by an invisible enemy called Corona Virus, 
there appeared visible friends of enabling trends!!!

When every eye was gazed up into the sky for Hope,
there came a strange help wearing white Robe!!!

People rejected them by throwing Stones,
but they welcomed every patient as their Own!!!

Because they are the Crowning Lighters, the Corona Fighters!!!

When many of the human beings on the streets were Starving,
there came a Folk of being humans treating and Serving!!!

 When half of the humankind was marching towards Death
there came a mankind caring every Breath !!!

Because they are Crowning Lighters, The Corona Fighters!!!

They shielded us in Masks, 

They fought our Wars,

They secured our lives in Hospitals, 

And they almost forgot themselves not forgetting us!!! 

Now it's high time to thank them 

Thanks for your Belief to Relief!!! 

Thanks for your Service at this Crisis!!!

And thanks for saving lives at the cost of your lives!!!

From the men of the State to the men of the Street,
We Salute Every Statesman and Streetman for your selfless service,

Because You are Crowing Lighters, The Corona Fighters!!! #Corona_Lockdown_Rush


When the Entire Humanity is Waken and Shaken
 by an Invisible Enemy Called Corona Virus, 

There Appears Visible Friends 
of Enabling Trends!!!

When Every Eye is Gazed Up into the Sky for Hope,
There comes a Strange Help Wearing White Robe!!!

People rejected them by throwing Stones,
But they welcomed every Patient as their Own!!!

Because they are the Crowning Lighters, the Corona Fighters!!!

When many of the Human Beings on the Streets is Starving,
There came a Folk of Being Humans Treating and Serving!!!
Because they are Crowning Lighters, The Corona Fighters!!!

You Shielded us in Masks, 

 Fought our Wars,

 Secured our lives in Hospitals, 

And You almost forgot Yourselves not forgetting us!!! 

Now it's high time to thank You

Thanks for your Belief to Relief!!! 

Thanks for your Service at this Crisis!!!

And Thanks for saving lives at the cost of your lives!!!

From the men of the State to the men of the Street,
We Salute Every Statesman and Streetman for your selfless service,

Because You are Crowing Lighters, The Corona Fighters!!!

written by @nelsonraz #coronavirus


When the Entire Humanity is Waken and Shaken by an Invisible Enemy Called Corona Virus, 

There Appears Visible Friends 
of Enabling Trends!!!

When Every Eye is Gazed Up into the Sky for Hope,
There comes a Strange Help Wearing White Robe!!!

People rejected them by throwing Stones,
But they welcomed every Patient as their Own!!!

Because they are the Crowning Lighters, the Corona Fighters!!!

When many of the Human Beings on the Streets is Starving,
There came a Folk of Being Humans Treating and Serving!!!
Because they are Crowning Lighters, The Corona Fighters!!!

You Shielded us in Masks, 

You Fought our Wars,

You Secured our lives in Hospitals, 

And you almost forgot yourselves not forgetting us!!! 

Now it high time to thank you 

Thanks for your Belief to Relief!!! 

Thanks for your Service at this Crisis!!!

And Thanks for saving lives at the cost of your lives!!!

From the men of the State to the men of the Street,
We Salute Every Statesman and Streetman for your selfless service,

Because You are Crowing Lighters, The Corona Fighters!!!

written by @nelson&kalyan #coronavirus


In  the dark hours of the Night 
As i was walking alone along the Empty streets of Light!

Just for few seconds i thought i saw a Perpetual Paradise 
 later i Realised that those are her Surpassing Eyes !

 i asked her again and again 
Are those your real eyes? 

Are those your real Eyes ?
stars roaming in Disguise ?

Because when I was Seven 
i heard that star's fell down from Heaven !

Are those your real Eyes?
 two sharp edged Knifes?

Because they are piercing straight into my Spine
 without even giving me a proper Sign !

Are those your real eyes? 

after a long stare at me she gave her Lens 
and walked away in Silence !

                                               @nelsonraz #alone Are those your real eyes 
or stars roaming in disguise

#alone Are those your real eyes or stars roaming in disguise #poem



"Are those really your Eyes
Stars in disguise" #Eyes


See! You didn't believe me !! I told you right, someone alike You Exist in the sky
now its time to Present  You
"Mona Say hello to your twin The Moon" #love


Every night i sit at the Sea shore under the Moonlight and ask those Million Stars to send You down for Me #river


Every night i sit at the Sea shore under the Moonlight and ask those Million Stars to send You down for Me #river


"Trust me
 whereever we are
 someday universe will find its way back to bring us  together" #Love