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Ritu Nautiyal

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Ritu Nautiyal

You cant edit a blank page

Imperfections are also the part of the journey of life. Mistakes are the truth that you tried climbing ladder and fell off. But still the cliff is calling you.This is your life and your story and you are the hero of your story.Its not about others' how they take you, but its about you, how you take yourself. And failures are just some more trials towards success. So instead of leaving your life as blank page of effortless one, do try, if make mistakes, learn from it and move ahead. And love yourself the way you are.

Ritu Dimri Nautiyal #Life_A_Blank_Page

Ritu Nautiyal

Tears are words that need to be written

Tears are the by-product of emotions that one is going through at those particular moments.
Those tears drop by drop can tell a story word by word,which takes you to some different world of expressions,where its not
only you who can see and hear yourself , but others also who are there for you to understand the reason for that particular emotion. May be you and they can find a way that you dont have to cry for the same reason again. May be later on going through these words again,you find the reason quite petty or you become enough strong to fight with that.. 
Because those words are the only way your soul can fnd a way to stand against any injustice which is continuously poking your heart.
Let words flow hand by hand with tears to keep loving yourself for what you are or for what you think is right..

Ritu Dimri Nautiyal #Language_of_tears

Ritu Nautiyal

A word after a word after a word is power. Because a thought after a thought after a thought will bring change when brought in front of the world as your views in form of words. Dont bother about the flow of river of these,because while going through different zones,other rivers will join too, to make the flow continuous,and with immense effect.

But dont forget that your words shouldn't be flood to destroy everything but to make every passage green and growing, like for life to continuously flow.

Words are not just words but immense power 
To destroy or to develop....?
Choice is totally ours

Ritu Dimri Nautiyal #power_of_words

Ritu Nautiyal

When you move out of idealist, morality zone of home,it is friendship zone where you are just you.You the one who has grown with friends like wise
 naughtiness of minds,likewise lovely minds,likewise panga taking minds..

Meet after decades and there is no sign of lost time,carrying forward the string of friendship from where it was left, living the thought of childhood,the teenage again.This is friendship..


Ritu Dimri Nautiyal #Importance_of_friends

Ritu Nautiyal

कभी भी कुछ ठहरता नहीं है, 
ना आकाश में उड़ रहे बादल, 
ना आबाध बहती नदी, 
ना निरंतर दौड़ता समय, 
किसी के लिए भी नहीं, 
कभी भी नहीं
बस ठहरते हैं तो सिर्फ सपने
आंखों में, 
कसक ढूंढते, 
ना हो सकने के कारणों से जूझते, 
ठेलते इरादे की तरफ, 
ना तोड़ने की सोचो
ऐसे वादे की तरफ

ऋतु डिमरी नौटियाल स्वप्न



Ritu Nautiyal

My biggest dilemma is what to plan for my next phase of life when I am 44 yrs old and dont want to end up like eating three times, sleeping and living like this for another thirty or four ty years like...this is called life. No way I

dont want to live like this. I want my life to be  more worth for living more. #Biggest_dilemma

Ritu Nautiyal

What inspires me most in life 

A line of ants carrying granules of sugar,anything obstructing their path and distribution of work accordingly.,its amazing team work. जब कोई महान विचार चुन लिया जाता है तो वो विचार,वो कर्म सर्वोपरि हो जाता है,खुद से भी उपर। For that relay of idea you are ready to pass the baton to another team fellow, because you know if the team wins,the idea wins,the life wins,and you are ready to expand your team with endless team fellows,to usher the change,,to bring forward your idea to this Everest

Ritu Dimri Nautiyal #what inspires me most

#what inspires me most


Ritu Nautiyal

It would be always the next beginning
An inning to start and take your last failures as just trials
The success , not to be taken qs the final one
As world is not enough,too much is there to be achieved,too much is there to be traced
Sometimes keep your hands empty
Sometimes full

Because life is all about collection of moments taken differently #life

Ritu Nautiyal

On the occasion of republic, let's all pay tribute to
 Few good ones, sung, unsung, most ones anonymous

Who broke their cocoon of power (life long convenience, safety and luxury) and went ahead with the ideas they found right. They struggled for it, they fought for it, some even couldn't see their ideas accepted and implemented by the society as whole in their life as well. 

The men who could think and act above patriarchy
The Brahmins who could think and act above their upper class mentality
The  few ones of the majority of a particular religion, who really didnt treat the minority as minority
The few ones who strived for success of science
And the ones who still find democracy as ultimate

Many ones wud be still left in different categories
We pay respect to them all 🙏🙏 #Letter_To_Republic_India

Ritu Nautiyal

Love is
Two different souls
 With one common desire

Two different sticks 
Holdng one common fire 

Knows ,no purpose,reasons
Consequences even so dire

But moments living in hopes
And dreams like sapphires

If just world lets the river flow
And lets the stars glow
Why just doesnt let the souls grow
With their  feelings inside them
And rest, its all just time to follow

Ritu Dimri Nautiyal #Two sided love

#two sided love
