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Beautiful Moon Night यहां अपने हैं सब, पर हिजाबों में
ख्वाहिश थी कि हमे नूर सा दिखें
पर अब बस मुखौटे बाकी हैं पास
सपने भी कम पड गये किताबों में

  #beautifulmoon  #aavran #life #lifeisbeautiful #love #lifequotes #nojohindi #nojo#nojoenglish


In the search of peak
Cold Snow I seek
Let the heart be like that
Body must not exude weak

Let the feet get cold
Breath feel heavy 
Path become perilous
But mind must not be meek

Pull together all energy
Seek the brightest sun
Don't celebrate 
When you are done
Soul must Speak
Taller one you seek.

  #snowmountain #aavran #life #lifeisbeautiful #love #nojohindi #nojolove #nojo #nojoenglish


When you fight and win
Remember always in life
Time favoured but 
Margin was thin. 
If you fail someday,
Still keep up the chin.

Prepare well and go for kill
On move, the very step of yours
Tests first, your own will. 
Opponents watch from far
And decides move
Like a live drill.

Focus and hope are power
Wrap them in heart and soul
Like water does, while
 Bathing in a shower
Winners are weak first
Who posses the thirst
Conquers the tidal waves
Using their force only to empower.

  #longdrive #aavran #life #lifeisbeautiful #love #nojohindi #nojo #nojoenglish


In search of a story
Which has all glory
Where all are friend
Enemies don't offend
Everyone is happy
Strangers even smile
Everyone cares for other
Even in harshest weather
Worries don't exist anymore
They have not seen the door
Stars work like night lamps 
For daylight Sun camps
I have some wishes from this tale
Can I be that character, and live 
Till they coffin me with last nail.

  #holikadahan #aavran #life #lifeisbeautiful #love #lifequotes #nojohindi #nojo #nojoenglish


Nature Quotes 
जीवन जरा जटिल सा, पर व्यस्त है
उद्वेग है उदर मे,फिर भी मन मस्त है। 
मृदुभाषी मातृत्व सी भीगी है वाणी
पर अंतःकरण में लौ लिप्त है। 
आशायें झांक रही बंद दरवाजों से
पर चहुंओर रोशनी विलुप्त है। 
इक मशाल है, लौ भी है
है मन लौह सा, दिल तंदुरुस्त है। 
अभी भेदने है किरदार कई
आश्रय नहीं पर  विजय आश्वस्त है। 
ऐ दुश्मन, छोड दे आसक्ति, समय है
हम छीनेंंगे और तोडेंगें हठ, प्रण है
इस धरा के हर तृण का मुझपे ऋण है।

  #NatureQuotes #आवरण #जिंदगी #इनदिनों #मोहब्बत  #हमसफर #nojohindi #nojolove #nojo #nojoenglish


sunset nature Rise red, some wise man 
Early the better, to earn your 
Walk for the work, ignore the 
Take hard path, even if its 
 With friend or alone, sweat on your  own
Compassion with courage must be  sown. 
Reap the ripe fruits but leave the 
Everyone travels well in end but not on foot. 
Your care and dare will bring memories & 
 Footprints scribbled like drawings on rock 
Immortalizing the soul, even if you are dead.

  #sunsetnature #aavran #life #lifeisbeautiful #love #lifequotes #nojohindi #nojo #nojoenglish


घनी घूप में झुरमुटों की ओट ही सही, 
जान जाने से भला थोडी चोट ही सही, 
वो रूठ जायें, तो रहने दो बात अनकही, 
ये कम है कि वो निहारते हमें हसरतों से, 
मोहब्बत तो है,भले कांटो की सेज पर सजी।।

  #Tulips #aavran #life #lifeisbeautiful #love #nojohindi #nojo #nojoenglish #Dream #dilkibaatein


We made planes and our heart flew
On small pain our eyes had dew
Many hands were there to care
As a kid everyday looked knew.

We grew and boasted many friend
Always worried, not to offend
But wept with wounds, sobbed alone
Those merry days were far gone.

Life is struggle and stagnant
Comprised and near ones non chalant
What lies ahead makes us worried
Happiness remains far and few
O little moments of rainbow be there 
Seeing you, happiness in eyes brew.

  #udaan #aavran #life #lifeisbeautiful #love #lifequotes #nojohindi #nojo #nojoenglish


BeHappy मेरी तारीफ और तकल्लुफ में
साझेदार सिर्फ तेरी मुस्कान है

©Aavran #beHappy #आवरण #जिंदगी #इनदिनों #मोहब्बत #हमसफर #nojato #nojohindi #nojoenglish


Watch on my wrist
Knows all the twist. 
I was punctual always
But could not buy it timely. 
It also abandoned 
When life was in dark. 
In bright days, I could not wear
Believed, this was not upto mark. 
I slowed but it continued
Even stopped but it was rude. 
The soft click was on time
Never lost rhythm and rhyme. 
Wondered, whether its mine
Alas! I could not buy a minute 
When it was the time. 
Watch is not on my wrist 
Life is little and I am on watchlist.

  #samay #aavran #life #lifeisbeautiful #love #lifequotes #collab #nojato #nojohindi #nojoenglish