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Veiled World

bruised knuckles are far better than broken hearts!

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Veiled World

hello love,

Enacting the bliss in your eyes raw desires pulses through my veins , 
etched into my being your yearned presence. 

In your eyes my utopia lay,  
As I gazed into the guarded abyss 
soaring through the heavens yet drowning in the pits of hell ,
As carnal intentions guising ravish desires come out to play.

My ardour stays lethal beyond the point of sensual thinking 
my eyes close with glimpses of "us" 
traces of past that never has been. 

Feral rage consumes my inert virtues tainting my morale 
screaming legacies of unsaid confessions. 

Reality adamant on straining my enchanted paradise , 
Wherein "I&U" are "us" and "mine&yours" "ours" , 
Distance is just a thought jinxed aptly with pure fondness. 

Oh!  How dense of me to paint my tainted soul drenched in you, 
 for I believe just like these phrased words "us" makes no sense. 

incomplete beginnings unrequited endings .....
©aditi #dilbechara #popular #follow #instagram #love #like #trending #instagood #viral

Veiled World

Humans. “god’s precious creatures” My *** we are not precious anymore. We kill for fun, we feast on fear, we thirst for power and in the wake of it we forget our conscience. We blabber on saving lives, corrupt minds, blehhh tattle tales. And in the mist of this so called charity we feed our guilt. Congratulations
Funny how an entire race has to fight for their rights, funny how some elite people think they are entitled to this planet, funny how vegans are saving animals and tramping fellow humans, funny how this humanity has turned out. Funny imagining how proud their gods are gonna be when they watch their atrocities. Funny how they fear sins yet sin daily, funny how hilarious this blog seems to me yet most are ashamed. Hilarious humanity.
Epitaph 08
©aditi #CupOfHappiness #quotes #love #quoteoftheday #motivation #life #quote #instagram #motivationalquotes

Veiled World

For when we were young you showed us emotions are for the weak and our ignorant self believed it’s superiors and now that we choose to have none you call us heartless. When we cried you asked us to stop being pathetic now that our tears have drained you call us heartless. When we approached you with our shattered pieces you called us attention seekers and now that we have bandaged it up encasing it beyond your reach you call us heartless. HOW DARE YOU!.
Tell you what, our pillows have been better friends than you engulfing us in warmth in the chilled night , the mirrors our parents nurturing us in the ways you were meant to telling our tales of strength, the walls better lovers listening to our rants. You tell me you’re here now well news flash! I needed you I don’t anymore WHERE WERE YOU THEN! .
Epitaph 07
©aditi #CupOfHappiness #popular #follow #instagram #love #like #trending #instagood #viral #explorepage

Veiled World

Heart aches, throat constricts, breathing quickens, eyes fog up, hands insistent on clutching onto something, beads of perspiration adorn your being. Behind close doors traitorous tears taint your tortured self, screaming into your pillow you make muffled noises for help. In immense pain you just lie in there questioning the life lived…….. Then the pain subsides and numbess follows…..
Everyone has the same damn advice “stop thinking ” , “live in the present ” , blah blah blah. But people fail to understand the difference between empathy and sympathy. For humanity’s sake one can’t know everything so starting from now stop believing that you know it all. No you don’t. No one ever does. The sole reason we choose to be quiet.
©aditi #CupOfHappiness #Nojoto #writer #story #Life #lesson #read

Veiled World


In the numbness of the night ...I heard the wild whispers of my wretched whole,
traitorous tears tainted my tempted heart adorning the silent storms of my shattered soul.

Darkest dreams dreading through my detested demons denting my drained being ,
heinous nightmares hazed over my hefty humanity.

Insanity insistent on inking my impatient insight ,
Raging razors reprimanding my rigorous riots.

The screams of silence is the loudest of all voices for it demands to be felt ,
it's tattling tales tatter your enticing entity into a thousand pieces that demand to be dealt.

For once I wish to put up a fight ,carve my pain into a sword's might ,
only if I dont sleep through this night ...maybe just then...maybe I could be shielded from the callous cries of my silent screams."

A thousand of us are unheard , a thousand of us choose to be quiet, a thousand of us succumb to our silent screams.
©aditi #Nojoto #poem

Veiled World

Dear love ...I give up,

            It's time for you to leave the premises of my heart 
for it no longer craves your presence it's thirst is long quenched 
for it has agreed to the 
perception of this fantasy might have been a tainted deception. 
 It was good while it had lasted the universe knows dreams are often
 meant to be discarded... 

It's time for me to let go,  for the shattered pieces of my soul 
can't handle you shared the sacred nature of this bond no longer cared. 
Etchings of your breath inked into the veins of my being, 
carving an unholy stature of your unmarked absence 
each moment spent together encasing my aroma in your 
sickening incense...

It's time for us to part,  for I haven't fallen out of love with you just my tattered self scavenging through the hollows of my heart. 
It reeks of a sin now no longer pious. Spiced with heartbreaks and rejections it's innocence turned notorious. 
It's been ages I guess yet my love wasn't enough to let you stay. 
Not your secret admirer just a soul that was led astray.

 allow me now to take your leave for no longer I hope, there ain't nothing to receive.... 

and here commences the tattle tales of my being as a I've truced with the ultimate truth.. 
"not every love story comes with a happy ending " 
" To love you I no longer need your love" 

yours... (till eternity and then again..)  
©aditi #worldnotobaccoday #HeartBreak #Love #Life #poem #writer #author #read #share #Like

worldnotobaccoday HeartBreak Love Life poem writer author read share Like


Veiled World


Let's get down to the basics of humanity,  
the A B c's your teens little character can't handle,  
for sure you might have aged I guess the fundamentals are yet to be learned of!  

there is a difference between "mourning" and "moaning" , 
a difference between "pleasure" and "pain", 
a difference between "making love" and quenching your "sadist lust" , 
difference between "being intimate " and "being inhumane" 
difference between a "consented partner" and "catastrophic victim" 
a difference between "yes" and "NO!" 
learn the basics before it's too late and the scream that once pleasured you shall now haunt your dreams... 
until the blood that drenched her will choke your nights,  
the pain that contented you will blind your sights. 

oh wait there's more!  for now the mayhem breathes in you and the so called promotion you yearn for you shall soon be named as "rapist" 

oh!  just how ashamed you would be 
when it's your own mother, daughter or sister shall you see begging you to remove your filthy hands of them 
will you then let "her" be in mercy or then too shall the demon in you be set free. 
I doubt the ounce of faith when you'll see "your person" lying there, 
clothes ripped to shreds metaphor for the character you shed 

oh!  how fun it will be when the tables turn your skin pricked by a thousand thorns ,eyes gouged out, facing inhumane burn 
let the judgement be casted for trust me will I enjoy your closure toll
so be it mirthful for the very first time you 
"raped your soul"
©aditi_pandey boy's locker room... 
#poem #Rape #voice #read #Nojoto

boy's locker room... #poem #Rape #voice #read


Veiled World

#Rape #pain #sad #life #death #poem #nirbhaya #priyankareddy #acidattack

Khauf... Rape pain sad life death poem nirbhaya priyankareddy acidattack


Veiled World

||Malice Maturity||

Being an inch taller or aging more than unity

answer my dear fellas is it considered maturity.

* Gulping the blood red down the throat

sniffing the cocaine off the boat

oh! i had no knowledge of this "purity"

holy crap! to such maturity.

* hurling those abuses out

voicing those unjust parity

the laws governing this world

held no account of such shitty maturity....

// So allow me to refrain myself my dear "elders" from following this vile path of brutality that sure does potray cruelty ~cause I aint damned to be "mature" and follow this defination of "maturity"//

Ig- a_.d_.i._t._i || Malice Maturity|| #maturity #poem #serioustalk #quarantine #life #growingup

|| Malice Maturity|| maturity poem serioustalk quarantine life growingup


Veiled World

Dedication to heaven...

"the girly girl to my tomboy , 
The last ounce of my everlasting joy.
The one who held the strings to the tune of my heart 
The one who ceased to play her part .
The only one who could tame the beast in me .
The one who could make this heartless laugh with glee.
The only one who wasn't afraid of me 
The only one who would never flee. 
But we all know destiny is a bitch 
It ripped out the forever from best friends. 
Just one complaint you should have stayed you unstable mozzarella donkey 
You would have gotten angry for calling you this name. 
We would have grown up and fulfilled those promises 
Where I would accompany you in your cringey cliche stories
And you would always set me up with your untold glories. 
They say when you're with friends you need  pics 
No proofs to assert those idiotic tricks 
You pulled together. But now I think I should have taken one and treasured it hell I dint know you would leave so early. 
I miss those 4 hrs calls 
Those sorting your new "buddies" out.
I miss your tantrums and your whole face turning red when you get angry 
Girl I miss everything but I don't miss you. 
You said you'ld have the first hand experience you did congrats 
But remember once I reach hell I'll travel to heaven just to kill you again you idiotic narcidubic Marco. "

-veiledWORLD To my bestfriend...#sad #death #love.

To my bestfriend...#SAD #Death #Love.
