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holding letting go #holding #Letting #go

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some of us THINK
makes us STRONGER

it is 

©DIL_KI_BAATH holding letting go 
#Letting #go


#Letting go

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Forgetting or Letting go is just an illusion of the mind.
The heart is still Yours. #letting go

life lesson

Letting go...

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Sometimes you have to let go of someone.. Not because you deserve peace, 
but they deserve happiness. Letting go...

Soni jha

#Letting #go

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सामने मंज़िल थी और, मुझे लौटना था, 
कि साहिल पे पहुँच जाती, 
मगर घर समंदर था। #letting #go


"Letting You Go" #LettingYouGo" #diwa #yqbaba

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You're about to put into words
The resolve that'll kill all these today;
Yet, you tentatively glance my way
And I'm willing the tears to stay.
For, you're about to embark
On that voyage towards the stars--
And I really ought to let you go,
Despite the choking, churning pain. "Letting You Go"

#LettingYouGo" #diwa #yqbaba

Charu Bhardwaj

#Quotes once you realise you deserve better, letting go is the best decision ever.

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Every End Is a Beginning which Starts With a Decision. ❤️

©Charu Bhardwaj #Quotes  once you realise you deserve better, letting go is the best decision ever.

Bindu Manchikalapudi

Letting you go! #Bindu #b #LettingYouGo love life #you

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Long conversations lost to short replies!
Silence dominated the smiles on everyday calls!
I understand, priorities were changed and someone has taken my position in your life now!
So "letting you go" is the fair decision for both of us.

Promises were left broken and dreams lost their pace!
All of sudden, I'm on the way to recollecting memories since I couldn't find a way to make new memories.
I understand you don't need me now as you can handle everything alone!
So "letting you go" is the only favor that I can do for you.

Smiles faded, souls shattered, the flash of past happy days is haunting me every moment!
My heart is screaming with pain and no more ready to trust people and good times!
I understand, you don't feel the magic between us anymore!
So "letting you go" is the only thing I know to make you smile.

Finally, your reasons won over my love. You are free now. Yes! I'm letting you go because I love you more and I want you to live the life you want. It is hard for me but this is the only option I am left with. Letting you go!
#bindu #B #lettingyougo #love #life #you


"Letting Go" #people #yqbaba

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People come and go.
The ones, who went away,
Are fine and okay.
The ones, who remained,
Are crystalline gems. "Letting Go"

#people #yqbaba

Kamal Chandra Lenka

Letting go... #yqbaba #yqtales

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Maybe letting go wasn't so bad... Letting go...

A Saran

#Letting go the pain

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ध्यान दूँगी तो ज्यादा लगेगा
 छोर दूँगी तो दर्द आधा लगेगा #letting go the pain