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Akthari Begum

Siblings  always 
Accompany every 
Decision. #sibling #sibling #sibling #sibling #sibling  #paidstory

Varadhan P M

#rivalry #ywbaba

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The word of the day is rivalry..
It's neither competition nor a race, 
It's jealousy and fear of losing,
A blind man' s race fuelled
by inferiority complex..
A Rat Race, with cut throat
Competition.  #rivalry #ywbaba

Suhail A Banday


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Aanya Garg

Whosoever started the rumour that between a girl's legs lies her and her families honour, apparently made sure that in the rivalry between any two humans, the female related to the rival is going to be molested and harassed to claim victory.

'Cause when you cannot win by rules, win by defaming the other group', has been the motto of people from the beginning of civilizations.
©aanya_garg #honour #rivalry #defame #rumour

Steeve Wood

#sibling love

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 someone asked her, "why is that he cares and minds of me all of a sudden". well, "as love at first sight" happens for some so does the mind and heart for caring for her instigates. No conditions,no chains attached. Eventhough it has been  scared many a time, the love and care he gives to his little sibling is endless and limitless. In other words when some people say, "i love you to the moon and back". welll in my case i would say, "what? only till the moon??, thats so little, because the universe is endless and so is my care for her.

a brother's answer to a question asked .. #sibling #love

Hoori Nadir

The best thing about my bro is he never listens......... #yqbaba#sibling


taj nisha

Durga Kannan

The best thing about my siblings is
They accept me the way I am
Loving me for what I am
No questions asked 
No judgements passed #yqbaba#sibling


Noughty Sibling #nojotophoto

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 Noughty Sibling