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White “Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor”. 
 Alexis Carrel

©KhaultiSyahi #mountain #suffering #Life #khaultisyahi #truth #quote
#Success #mantra #quoteaday 
#true ✍️📖


White Why mistakes are good?
Strong people make as many mistakes as weak people. 
Difference is that strong people admit their mistakes, laugh at them, learn from them. That is how they become strong.

©KhaultiSyahi #Dosti #Strong #people #think #khaultisyahi #Life #Truth #Reality ✍️ #Success #mantra 🩶


hanuman jayanti 2024 
जन श्री राम ॥
जय श्री राम मे
श्री समा
मङ्गल रामदूताय कपीशाय सुमङ्गलम् ।
मङ्गल भक्तिवन्द्याय आञ्जनेयाय मङ्गलम् ॥
भगवान राम के दूत को सारा सौभाग्य और वानरों के स्वामी को भी सारा सौभाग्य।
भक्तिभाव से पूंजे जाने वाले भगवान हनुमान को समस्त सौभाग्य प्राप्त हो।

©KhaultiSyahi #hanumanjayanti24 #khaultisyahi #mantra #JaiShreeRam #jaihanuman #jaihanuman🔱❤ #Hanuman #hanumanjayanti2024 #JaiHo #jai 🌹✍️📖


#Dark #you are #not #alone #khaultisyahi Life #bhuktbhogi #Truth #Success #mantra which is motivational 🩶🩵🩷

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Never think that youu are alone.

There are two shadows who are following you,


Now its up to you to decide

which one is going to be your friend..

©KhaultiSyahi #Dark #you are #not #alone #khaultisyahi #Life #bhuktbhogi #Truth #Success #mantra which is motivational 🩶🩵🩷


#Dark #khaultisyahi #Life #Truth #Reality #think #Success #mantra #mystrugglestory #SAD but motavitonal and inspiration for all.

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Trying, failing and trying again helps you
learn resilience.
I was gifted as a child and I remember failing
my first driving test at 16. I felt devastated
and realized I'd never failed anything before.
Tried again a month later and passed.
Resilience is such an important life skill. You
will fail at various things in life. How you
react to that failure is on you.
You can either: -Learn from the experience
and try again -Learn from the experience
and pivot in a different direction -Wallow in
self-pity and give up
Who do you want to be?

©KhaultiSyahi #Dark #khaultisyahi #Life #Truth #Reality #think #Success #mantra
#mystrugglestory #sad but motavitonal and inspiration for all.


#sadak success mantra#Quotestrending

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uk the creative girl


शुरुआत करने से कभी पीछे मत हटो छोटा दिखने की शर्म कई लोगों को बड़ा नहीं बनने देती, जो भी आज बड़े हैं, सब कभी छोटे थे..!

©KhaultiSyahi #oddone #Shuruwat #start #khaultisyahi #motivate #Inspiration #Success 🏆💪
#mantra #Life_experience  Reality of 
#MyThoughts 💗❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥

Monika Gera jindagi. A poetess, writer, lyricist, singer,motivational speaker,Handwriting expert for three languages as to training + language teacher ( three languages).

mantra! #Life

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GingerTea hunarbaaz Life_experience Truth khaultisyahi bhuktbhogi praytoparmatma Success 🏆💪 mantra think

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माली प्रतिदिन पौधों में 
पानी देता है मगर फल 
सिर्फ मौसम में ही आता है। 

इसीलिये जीवन में धैर्य रखें,
प्रत्येक चीज अपने समय पर होगी।
प्रतिदिन बेहतर काम करें,
समय पर फल जरुर मिलेगा।

©KhaultiSyahi #GingerTea #hunarbaaz #Life_experience #Truth #khaultisyahi #bhuktbhogi #praytoparmatma #Success 🏆💪
#mantra #think