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There are times when I truly believe in you and there are times when I don't understand you at all. 

There are times when you give me reasons, assurances that you exist. That my prayers are answered. 

And then things happen that make me doubt of your existence. 

I do not understand your wisdom. It is far beyond I can comprehend. 

If you truly exist, explain me, answer me. No,not when the time is right. But right now. 

If things are pre-planned why do you even need this earth to play with souls?

Create a world full of robots and achieve your goals

No, I don't hate you. You are the creator of our clan.I'm just upset with you and your plans

Will you answer me now? Or do I need to fold my hands,bend my knees and be humble again. Patiently waiting for an answer and the right time again. 
 #doyouexist #whereareyou #answer #prayer  #yqbaba

Simantha D'mello

You're the answer

To the prayers 


Prayed #yqquotes #yqbaba #yqlove #prayer #answer #blessed


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I always say this
Give me strength not to hurt others willing or unwillingly
Give me strength to forgive and forget
Take care of 
My family
My Carrer and carrer
My Personal life

Try this out for few days in morning, you will get a feeling like you never had before MY DAILY PRAYER

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Francis King

Bless my neighbors #prayer

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Dear Lord,
As You're Preparing My Blessings
Bless My Neighbors Too
For They're Good.

©Francis King Bless my neighbors 
