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Stories related to if you love someone set them free poem

Bhagyashree Jena

#If you are

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Unsplash "If you are"

If you are the sunny day,
I'm the cool moon night.
If you are the water of the sea,
I'm the water of a stream.
If you are not loved,
I am the one who is loved.

©Bhagyashree Jena #if you are


To you #you poem✍🧡🧡💛 love❤

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To you

Listen to you
Give you
All I can

Relate to you
Listen to you
I'm your fan

Talking with you
Relate too
You are grand

Wishing for you
Talking too
Take my hand

Respect for you
Wishing too
About to land

Promise to you
Respect too
On your demand

To end with you
Promise too
Into the sand

©Schizology To you

#you #poem✍🧡🧡💛 #love❤


I love you #Love❤ poem✍🧡🧡💛 #you quote of love

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I love you

I love you 
I love you
I need you
It's so very true

I love you
I love you
I want you
I'll feel you very soon

I love you
I love you
I crave you
Do do doo da doo doo

I love you 
I love you
Can you do
What makes me go phew!

I love you 
I love you
You have grew
My heart only desires you

©Schizology I love you

#love❤ #poem✍🧡🧡💛 #you  quote of love


Only you #you #Love❤ poem✍🧡🧡💛

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Only you

Thinking of , only you
Dreaming of , only you

Wanting of  , only you
Needing of , only you

Breathing of , only you
Seeing of , only you

Feeling of , only you
Desiring of  , only you

Writing of , only you
Telling of , only you

Hearing of , only you
Tearing up , because of you

©Schizology Only you

#you #love❤ #poem✍🧡🧡💛

Sivaji Magapu

If you Laugh you restart #Comedyvideos #funnyvideos

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#good_night If you are surrounded by losers, Change your surroundings. Change your friends. Even be alone for a period if you can’t befri

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White If you are surrounded by losers,

Change your surroundings.

Change your friends.

Even be alone for a period if you can’t befriend like minded individuals.

Because people can hold you back.

And if you don’t cut them off fast you will certainly regret it later in life.

©KpSogra #good_night If you are surrounded by losers,

Change your surroundings.

Change your friends.

Even be alone for a period if you can’t befri

Anupma Aggarwal

when you smile bcz of someone Love #Motivational #Truth #quaotes

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If someone is okay with losing you, let them. Stop chasing what isn’t meant to stay. Choose yourself, always. #selflove #LetGo #moveon Kno

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White  If someone is okay with losing you, let them.
Stop chasing what isn’t meant to stay.
Choose yourself, always.

©Rounak If someone is okay with losing you, let them.
Stop chasing what isn’t meant to stay.
Choose yourself, always.

#SelfLove #LetGo #MoveOn #Kno

Kavya singh

#when someone Love you❣️

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Preeti Babbar

You....Free ???

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White What you stole was brutal
Smashed, Bruised, Punched.....
the calamity......
Indeed was lethal !!!!!

You are the creator I agree
No questions ever asked.....
So YOU are free???
Free to snatch
Free to breach
Free to take
Not letting Breathe ????

What you do .....noone knows
Who gave YOU right....
To give me this blow....

If YOU wanted to take
Why did YOU give him?
Will you answer....
My stacks are upto brim......

©Preeti Babbar You....Free ???