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Best DepressionIsntSadness Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

Find the Best DepressionIsntSadness Shayari, Status, Quotes from top creators only on Nojoto App. Also find trending photos & videos about depression and love, i miss you depression quotes, positive quotes about anxiety and depression, positive quotes for depression and anxiety, quotes about depression and strength,

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"Depression Isn't Sadness" A lot of people mistake depression as sadness. However, there's more to depression than the normal sadness that we get to experience in life. It's a debilitating disorder that actually springs from a myriad of deep-seated factors that make up one's convoluted psyche. Hence, a person may be depressed sans any overt indication of it. Thus, we find many who suddenly elect to end their lives without any kind of warning. Albeit, there are telltale signs. Yet, not everyone #yqbaba #diwa #Psych #DepressionIsntSadness

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Depression isn't sadness;
It's the raging bully,
Deep within one's psyche

"You're not enough". "Depression Isn't Sadness"

A lot of people mistake depression as sadness. However, there's more to depression than the normal sadness that we get to experience in life. It's a debilitating disorder that actually springs from a myriad of deep-seated factors that make up one's convoluted psyche. Hence, a person may be depressed sans any overt indication of it. Thus, we find many who suddenly elect to end their lives without any kind of warning. Albeit, there are telltale signs. Yet, not everyone

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