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Best brutual Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

Find the Best brutual Shayari, Status, Quotes from top creators only on Nojoto App. Also find trending photos & videos about brutually meaning, bruh meaning in hindi, bruises meaning in hindi, brunch meaning in hindi, brutalities meaning in urdu,

  • 8 Stories


gohan stronger that son goku ❤❤ . . . . . . . #Motivational #brutual #treanding #dragonballsuper #Gohan #lordbeerus

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supremacy goku ❤❤ . . . . . . . #Motivational #Trending #brutual #dragonballsuper #supermacy

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thr father of big 3 animes 😎 love that gos ❤❤ . . . . . . #erotica #brutual #treanding #goku #dragonballsuper #gokutranformation #fatherofbig3

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vegeta supremacy ❤❤❤ . . . . . . . #Motivational #Trending #Dbs #dragonball #brutual #vegetasulermacy

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amar gupta

They would have showed us whose superior when they would lose faith and trust in us. If they could hear about the crimes most of the humans commit, they would have ripped off our face, tear off the flesh more brutally than a man did until we bleed to death! They would have showed us what messing up with humanity would lead to and would rule the world according to them! Only if they could communicate to each other! #Animal #brutual #yqbaba #elephantkilledinkerela #Homosapiens #HUmanity

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I really believe that if the animal community could communicate among themselves then
They would have showed the homo sapiens till now what beastliness actually means. They would have showed us whose superior when they would lose faith and trust in us. If they could hear about the crimes most of the humans commit, they would have ripped off our face, tear off the flesh more brutally than a man did until we bleed to death! They would have showed us what messing up with humanity would lead to and would rule the world according to them! Only if they could communicate to each other!

#animal  #brutual #yqbaba #elephantkilledinkerela #homosapiens #humanity

Shruti Gupta

They would have showed us whose superior when they would lose faith and trust in us. If they could hear about the crimes most of the humans commit, they would have ripped off our face, tear off the flesh more brutally than a man did until we bleed to death! They would have showed us what messing up with humanity would lead to and would rule the world according to them! Only if they could communicate to each other! #Animal #brutual #yqbaba #elephantkilledinkerela #Homosapiens #HUmanity

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I really believe that if the animal community could communicate among themselves then
They would have showed the homo sapiens till now what beastliness actually means. They would have showed us whose superior when they would lose faith and trust in us. If they could hear about the crimes most of the humans commit, they would have ripped off our face, tear off the flesh more brutally than a man did until we bleed to death! They would have showed us what messing up with humanity would lead to and would rule the world according to them! Only if they could communicate to each other!

#animal  #brutual #yqbaba #elephantkilledinkerela #homosapiens #humanity

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