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Best teaches Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

Find the Best teaches Shayari, Status, Quotes from top creators only on Nojoto App. Also find trending photos & videos abouttea cup image with love, time teaches me to love eng sub, love teaches you quotes, che guevara with quotes, che guevara love quotes,

  • 156 Stories


Anna Saini

Sudhanshu Saxena

जैसे आज एक मां (अनजान लड़के की मां) की आंखो ने मेरे आंखो को, और मैंने उनकी आंखों को भांपा। मैं ऐशबाग रेलवे स्टेशन (लखनऊ) पर अपनी ट्रेन का इंतजार कर रहा था। शाम हो गई थीं, पास में एक फैमिली आ के बैठी, वो आपस में बात कर रहे थे हेल्थ रिलेटेड । आवाज स्पष्ट तो नही आ रही थी पर जितना सुना वो सीरियस डिजीज ही लगी। साथ ही उस लड़के की मां मुझे एक दो बार देखी क्यूंकि मैं सामने हि बैठा था तो नज़रे आमने सामने हो ही जा रही थी उनकी आंखे उदास थी। मैं कुछ पूछता इससे पहले ही वो बोली क्या हुआ बेटा उदास ल

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उदास आंखों की 
एक खासियत होती हैं,

वो दूसरो की 
उदास आंखों को 
आसानी से भांप लेती हैं। जैसे आज एक मां (अनजान लड़के की मां) की आंखो ने मेरे आंखो को, और मैंने उनकी आंखों को भांपा।

मैं ऐशबाग रेलवे स्टेशन (लखनऊ) पर अपनी ट्रेन का इंतजार कर रहा था। शाम हो गई थीं,  पास में एक फैमिली आ के बैठी, वो आपस में बात कर रहे थे हेल्थ रिलेटेड । आवाज स्पष्ट तो नही आ रही थी पर जितना सुना वो सीरियस डिजीज ही लगी। साथ ही उस लड़के की मां मुझे एक दो बार देखी क्यूंकि मैं सामने हि बैठा था तो नज़रे आमने सामने हो ही जा रही थी उनकी आंखे उदास थी।
         मैं कुछ पूछता इससे पहले ही वो बोली क्या हुआ बेटा उदास ल


 I Suffered
 I learned
 I Experienced
 I Analysed
 Now...The invincible born and
 Reign my life infinity" #life 
#yqquotes 💚👍


Here's a special #doublecollab prompt for all of you on account of #Gurupurnima. #ateacheris #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

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Who #teaches

One who makes someone #learn Here's a special #doublecollab prompt for all of you on account of #gurupurnima. #ateacheris  #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

Bhushan Rao...✍️

वैसे तो ये अथाह समुद्र हमे कई सीख देता है,
पर जो ख़याल सबसे पहला आया.!!!
हमारा जीवन भी कुछ इस समुद्र की तरह है ।।।
यहां कल्पना से भी अधिक है हासिल करने को,
ये आप पर निर्भर करता है कि,
आप क्या, कैसे, और कितना समेट सकते है।।। #Teaches us


Jaidev Joshi

We all have two mothers in our life. the one is that who gave born to us and another one is our land who gave us an #environment to live... both are very essential to us they taught many thinks like stay against illegal things and stay with the #Truth. #Live for others to make a smother and strong way for them. our land mother #teaches us how to survive here with maintaining nature in his original condition. we born as a weaker but our both mothers will make us strong in from born to #Death. so

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जननी We all have two mothers in our life. the one is that who gave born to us and another one is our land who gave us an environment to live... both are very essential to us they taught many thinks like stay against illegal things and stay with the truth. live for others to make a smother and strong way for them. our land mother teaches us how to survive here with maintaining nature in his original condition. we born as a weaker but our both mothers will make us strong in from born to death. so we always have to work that how we live for making more beautiful to the mother's nature and land mother's environment.
Happy Mother's Day to my both mother...

By:- @jaidevjoshi We all have two mothers in our life. the one is that who gave born to us and another one is our land who gave us an #environment to live... both are very essential to us they taught many thinks like stay against illegal things and stay with the #truth. #live for others to make a smother and strong way for them. our land mother #teaches us how to survive here with maintaining nature in his original condition. we born as a weaker but our both mothers will make us strong in from born to #death. so

Sushma Sonu Thakur

Failure story in 5 words Each
Something. #nojotoenglish #nojotoquotes #nojotolines #nojotopoem #failure #teaches #something
#reality #sushmathakur

Muhammad wasio

Listen to you heart because,  

The teacher is the one who teaches us to lift a pen

The teacher is the one who tells us the difference between right and wrong.

The teacher is an individual who teaches civilization and morality

The teacher is the one who fills the blank book into a wirrten one. 

The teacher is a person who makes a submerged person  into prosperous sea #teacherlove #forteachers #wasiowrites #write #wordstoliveby #wordsofwisdom #qoute #linesforagoodteacher #like #follow #share #Motivation #MotivationalMoments #inspiration #inspire #SundayMotivation #SundayThoughts #WordsMatter #MotivationalQuotes

zaara#blooming flower

#flowers#teaches so many things😘

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