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Best Seek Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

Find the Best Seek Shayari, Status, Quotes from top creators only on Nojoto App. Also find trending photos & videos aboutsee how much i love you, seek peace with everyone, nice to see you after a long time quotes, let me be the change i want to see, be the change you want to see in the world,

  • 210 Stories

Rashim Anugrah

Rashim Anugrah


#mentalHealth #Help them they hide under false #pride. I don't lie just read other stories and then theirs 😂Don't #compare just #Seek the #Truth #khaultisyahi #Life_experience

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You are only good as your last victory... if any ! So quit shining your ass like a red butted  baboon  on social media throwing numbers and data. People just scroll past or swipe to the next much more interesting story. No one really cares about the statistics of your life and rants here. Believe me no one cares and those who do expect mutual respect and admiration in return too. Nothing in this world is free. So quit your whining about your past life. There are much better people than you and putting in better stories, poems and verses  than you. It's just your luck and their unfortunate times that they are not in the limelight at present.Comming on to your so called 
"stories" they are nothing more than the whinings and cry for help(which you hide under false pride)
Accept it, as I/we have. 
I would rather fall in love with a
physically deformed person 
than a mentally deformed one. 
Who claims to rule the world of Internet, believe  me Google search throws more escort services than your
name.How ironic is that? 
Claiming to be the king of the hill
where no hill exists.
The sick twisted mind can be a real
pain for the rest.Whilst you are ranting and panting on shows. 
Others are busy writing  
beautiful works of art.
Quite evident when we compare 
them to you outputs .

©KhaultiSyahi #mentalHealth #help them they hide under false #pride. I don't  lie just read other stories and then theirs 😂Don't #compare just #seek the #truth #khaultisyahi #Life_experience


SEEK YE FIRST the kingdom, put me
first in everything and then all else
shall be added unto you. You know
these words, but what are you doing about
them? Are you living them? Do the ways of
the Spirit come first in your life? Does your
time alone with me mean more to you than
anything? Do you enjoy being still, or are
you uncomfortable and uneasy in the still-
ness? Do you always want to be busy doing
things and find great difficulty in stilling
your body and mind? There are millions of
souls in the world who cannot bear to have
silence. They have to have constant noise
and action around them. They are the ones
who do not know the meaning of seeking
first my kingdom and of putting me first in
their lives. They are restless within and
without. I tell you, the times of peace and
stillness when we are together are very pre-
cious in a world of turmoil. Seek them, find
them and remain in them.

©KhaultiSyahi #Silence #Life #Truth #Seek #Inspiration #motivate #Quote #khaultisyahi

Tripta Nanwani

What you seek is seeking you 

जिस तुम ढूंढ रहे हो वह भी तुम्हें खोज रहा है  #yourquote #search #seek #find #yqbaba #yqdidi #rumi

Avik Das

The death of mind will be the birth of Me #truth #seek #nirvana

Amit Jotwani

love #Seek #yopowrimo #yqbaba

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Twelve parts to love,                                            like inches to a foot;                                             six parts on what you seek,                                     other half on what you put.                                     #love #seek #YoPoWriMo #yqbaba


"Seek" #Seek #diwa #yqbaba

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Forever stasis 
In the acheful flute
Of Neva-Nevaland--
The light in my eyes
Has faded to gloom;
Albeit, I still find myself
Seeking the truth. "Seek"

#Seek #diwa #yqbaba


no, i won't seek it.
if it's really for me;
it'll find me, eventually.
i won't force it.

a love that's mine,
shall always be mine.
it needs the perfect time,
to build itself--to shine. #love #perfecttime #seek #time #self #inspirational #yqbaba #diwa

Simmi Singh

I seek you, do you? #yqbaba #yqquotes #Seek #Leave #ifyoumust

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if you must
but don't hide away
for I don't wish to
seek someone
who doesn't
seek me
back. I seek you, do you?

#yqbaba #yqquotes #seek #leave #ifyoumust