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मेरा एक इंसान होने से पहले मेरा एक औरत हो जाना मेरा एक औरत होने से पहले मेरा किसी की दुल्हन हो जाना, फिर उस ही दुल्हन से पहले किसी की बेटी या बहन हो जाना, मेरे होने या ना होने के बीच कोई अंतर नहीं रह जाना मेरी चूड़ियों का हथकड़ी हो जाना तेरे थामने पर मेरा, सेहम जाना और फिर मेरा सिमटना तेरे लिए नज़र अंदाज़ हो जाना मेरे चरित्र का मेरे वजूद से ज्यादा बड़ा हो जाना और तेरे फैसलों पर मेरा सर और मेरी नजरों का नियमित तौर पर

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क्या यही कसूर है मेरा ? //

 (अनुशीर्षक में ) मेरा एक इंसान होने से पहले मेरा एक औरत हो जाना
मेरा एक औरत होने से पहले मेरा किसी की दुल्हन हो जाना,
फिर उस ही दुल्हन से पहले किसी की बेटी या बहन हो जाना,
मेरे होने या ना होने के बीच कोई अंतर नहीं रह जाना
मेरी चूड़ियों का हथकड़ी हो जाना
तेरे थामने पर मेरा, सेहम जाना और फिर मेरा सिमटना तेरे लिए नज़र अंदाज़ हो जाना 
 मेरे चरित्र का मेरे वजूद से ज्यादा बड़ा हो जाना 
और तेरे फैसलों पर मेरा सर और मेरी नजरों का नियमित तौर पर


Social media is a race in virtual crowd. Have you been lost or found yourself lately ? Just a bit of reality check ;) Thank you for missing ( I've mentioned you all in comment section) ❤️ life #Quote #SocialMedia #Toxic #shivangipriya love #lovequote

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If - what they wear
     -what they post
     -the girls/guys they chat to in your absence
are constant points of arguments, you're an idiot for letting your time get wasted by someone who really doesn't care about what you say. Stop being pathetic and get rid, their shit isn't right for you .

If you are the person who doesn't listen, you're a bigger idiot for thinking you'll ever understand to prioritise your life over people online who give zero shits about you. They are on your page to see you - your well being is of zero interest to them .

Social media is a cancer for many- people front for it and show the opposite of who they are..... and they don't know why, or are they showing exactly who they are ?! Remember that, honey .

  Social media is a race in virtual crowd. Have you been lost or found yourself lately ? 

Just a bit of reality check ;)

Thank you for missing ( I've mentioned you all in comment section) ❤️

#life #quote #socialmedia #toxic #shivangipriya #love #lovequote


In her heaven sweet melodies of the skies ripple pool of the sea playing sweet song to her, sharing tales of the past, blending with her as mirage, painting new... She breathes in, she's in love and alive... ♡ Magpie - idle chattering ( typically a bird ) Thee - you ( old English ) Thank youuh for poking Rush dii : Rushdah ❤️ Here you go sweeties : , yashika Dubey , MeDhA , Anjali Yadav

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My eye slipped past your dazzlin' face,
My hand missed all your subtle grace,
My mind ignored your sumptuous thought,
But my heart, oh, it missed you naught.

For though it has no sight nor voice,
To my heart there was but one choice.
My brain may dream of castles in the sky,
My eyes flitter to glints of a magpie,
My ears caress songs beyond the sea,
But my heart, sweet heart, belongs only to thee.

Time that it needs to grow strong,
To whisper in my ear, to find the song,
To shower my eyes with what is true,
To tell my mind it’s always been you.
 In her heaven sweet melodies of the skies ripple pool of the sea playing sweet song to her, sharing tales of the past, blending with her as mirage, painting new... She breathes in, she's in love and alive... ♡

Magpie - idle chattering ( typically a bird ) 
Thee - you ( old English )

Thank youuh for poking Rush dii : Rushdah ❤️
Here you go sweeties : , yashika Dubey , MeDhA , Anjali Yadav


gloomy - sad,dejected or melancholy disentherall - to free from bondage tettigoniidae - crickets / small insects who make irritating noise during night wretched - unfortunate / unhappy Sirius - brightest star in the night sky Incandescent - passionately bright Peerless - unequalled

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In the moonless sky she rests,
unready for that gloomy light which dawns
day after day,
eager to be shared.
Disentherall breeze with tettigoniidae, shelter her.
she needs
more of these nights before she opens
her eyes and that broken heart
to this wretched light. She must still
glow in the dark like "Sirius"
incandescent and peerless ..
     gloomy - sad,dejected or melancholy
disentherall - to free from bondage 
tettigoniidae - crickets / small insects who make irritating noise during night
wretched - unfortunate / unhappy
Sirius - brightest star in the night sky 
Incandescent - passionately bright
Peerless - unequalled


It's like I'm twelve again and he's my crush. All I'm aware of in this entire night laiden by insomnia is him. Where he is, what he's doing, who he's talking to ,Ahh !! Silly me 😹😹 P.S - If you think you're feelin Iike you've read it somewhere ,then feeling is mutual !! I dunno whom to give credit !! #cinemagraph #crush #crushquotes love #shivangipriya #lovequotes #lovequote

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I use to wake up
Late in the night
thinking of a perfect conversation
I want to have
Then I remember but I
haven't even met you

 It's like I'm twelve again and he's my crush. All I'm aware of in this entire night laiden by insomnia is him. Where he is, what he's doing, who he's talking to ,Ahh !! Silly me 😹😹

 P.S - If you think you're feelin Iike you've read it somewhere ,then feeling is mutual !! I dunno whom to give credit !! 

#cinemagraph #crush #crushquotes #love #shivangipriya #lovequotes #lovequote


Daddy, can I go to dance tonight ? Yes, my darling daughter. Pops, can I take the car ? Sure, my dearest son. Wife: I am talking to you, did you hear me, I am addressing you. No answer from the Man. This is known as IPL convo. These seven weeks change the family dynamics so drastically. In a one TV house there is anarchy between wife's soaps,husband's madness for the game and children's choices. In a two TV house there is cacophony, in a three TV house there is bedlam. As the first week ends,

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 Plumbing is leaking, the oil is over.
But shhh, daddy's watching the match !!

//CAPTION Daddy, can I go to dance tonight ? Yes, my darling daughter. 
Pops, can I take the car ? Sure, my dearest son.
Wife: I am talking to you, did you hear me, I am addressing you. No answer from the Man. This is known as IPL convo.

These seven weeks change the family dynamics so drastically. In a one TV house there is anarchy between wife's soaps,husband's madness for the game and children's choices. In a two TV house there is cacophony, in a three TV house there is bedlam. As the first week ends,


The new National Education Policy emphasizes primary education in the mother tongue. The medium of instruction up to Class 5 should preferably be the mother tongue. In our country where all things female are generally not given much priority, it's good to see mother take priority over father for once. But citizens are now plunged into a quandary over what exactly is their mother tongue. In an India where marriages are increasingly inter-state, where mom and dad could be from south and north, i

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Speaking your mother tongue, hnn 
What about your father tongue then ??

//CAPTION The new National Education Policy emphasizes primary education in the mother tongue. The medium of instruction up to Class 5 should preferably be the mother tongue. In our country where all things female are generally not given much priority, it's good to see mother take priority over father for once. 

But citizens are now plunged into a quandary over what exactly is their mother tongue. In an India where marriages are increasingly inter-state, where mom and dad could be from south and north, i


One of the ways of keeping yourself contented, the ancient Stoic philosophy used to say, is to find happiness not in what 'could be' but in what 'is'. For example, rather than pegging your happiness on attaining things that are not whithin your control, like a promotion at work or getting 90+ in exam or things that you hope for but are likely not to happen, like Kings XI Punjab winning IPL, one should strive to be thankful for much smaller delights- not having a toothache, or having a place to

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//CAPTION One of the ways of keeping yourself contented,  the ancient Stoic philosophy used to say, is to find happiness not in what 'could be' but in what 'is'. For example, rather than pegging your happiness on attaining things that are not whithin your control, like a promotion at work or getting 90+ in exam or things that you hope for but are likely not to happen, like Kings XI Punjab winning IPL, one should strive to be thankful for much smaller delights- not having a toothache, or having a place to


Be careful not to mistake insecurity and inadequacy for humility! Humility has nothing to do with the insecure and inadequate! Just like arrogance has nothing to do with greatness🌸 Yes!! I am narcissist and so are you 💀 Thank you ppl for poking: TRIPTI BHARADWAJ Shruti Thakur Dakshita_ Sharma🌸

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One thing I've noticed as of late-  people throw around the words 'narcissist' and 'insecurities' without actually knowing wtf the situation is.

 If you are causing someone to become insecure- it's their fault for not getting rid of you and you may perceive the behaviour they have as narcissistic because they are desperate to get things back on track. Don't get me wrong, some people are controlling and def narcissist, but there's also a false positive, which is born from desperation and hope. Understand your role and conclude with a clear mind. Because if the same situation were put on you- you may react exactly as same as them 🥀  Be careful not to mistake insecurity and inadequacy for humility! Humility has nothing to do with the insecure and inadequate! Just like arrogance has nothing to do with greatness🌸

Yes!! I am narcissist and so are you 💀

Thank you ppl for poking:
Shruti Thakur 
Dakshita_ Sharma🌸


Do not hold your breath for anyone, Do not wish your lungs to be still, It may delay the cracks from spreading, But eventually they will. Sometimes to keep yourself together You must allow yourself to leave, Even if breaking your own heart Is what it takes to let you breathe 🌸🌸

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Hindsight makes you realize just how just badly you were 
duped. By hope, by reality, by bullshit behaviour...
Break down all the times you were told you're overthinking - you weren't. Now you understand when you have removed those rose tinted glasses, that the excuses don't add up, that you ignored the red flag.. They are soon gonna tell you that you were wrong, insecure, crazy, blah blah fuckin blah but remember that's just a cover because getting caught was never an option for them, nor do they have an explanation about why they don't give a shit about you 🥀 Do not hold your breath for anyone,
Do not wish your lungs to be still,
It may delay the cracks from spreading,
But eventually they will.
Sometimes to keep yourself together
You must allow yourself to leave,
Even if breaking your own heart
Is what it takes to let you breathe 🌸🌸