Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Central govt expenditure Budget Estimates of 2023

Central govt expenditure

Budget Estimates of 2023–2024(Total 45,03,097)

In Crores

Interest=10,79,971 /         Agricultural & Allied Activities=84,214
Transport=5,17,034 /                        Urban development=76,432
Defence=4,32,720 /                                 Union Territories=61,118
Major Subsides=3,74,707 /                      PM KAISAN=60,000
Transfer to States=3,24,641 /                   Social Welfare=55,080
Rural development=2,38,204 /  Commerece & Industry=48,169
Pension=2,34,359 /                      Scientific Development=32,225
Tax Administration=1,94,749 /.                External affairs=18,050
Home Affairs=1,34,917 /.                                        Finance=13,574
Education=1,12,899 /                         Planning & Statistics=6,268
Energy=94,915 /.                    Development of North East=5,892
IT and Telecom=93,478 /                                        Health=88,956


  #budget2023 #poonamsingh_8898 #nojotostreaks  Anshu writer Aj Stories नीर it'sficklemoonlight Niaz  anudeep.poet .. Lalit Saxena narendra bhakuni Madhusudan Shrivastava ANOOP PANDEY  Classical gautam Neelam Kumari BenZil (बैंज़िल) जादूगर Prince~"अल्फ़ाज़"  Satish shamim alam An_se_Anshuman अभय (पथिक)