Quote 892
He stares at her
And pull her hairs
Making her to take in again his lengths and not to be playful with beneath it.
She closes her eyes
Swirls her tongue from the top and moves slowly till the bottom
The to and fro moment again paces up #wordporn#lust#erotica#oralsex#moansandmoons#lustandlove#fellatio
(Quote 899) Seen a dream
Very realistic
Woke up when I was crying in dream..
It was something weird
There were spots on my face cause of something weird
It was very difficult to breath
(Quote 898) I saw you in my dream
Again it was very very realistic
I saw that we hugged each other
In a public place
Yet people were very less
We hugged
I pressed my chest into you as loud as I can #Dreams#erotica#purple#LDR#moansandmoons#cindy
(Quote 897) Song.. - 'Samay Smjhaega' and 'ishqzaade'
(Quote 895)
And feeling of ugliness
The third day of periods.
What should I say to myself when am looking at mirror?
The dull eyes
Tirey smile #PeriodsStory#being895
(Quote 891)
(Quote 890)
No feels.
Little numb
Wanna express #nothing