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Santosh Jangam

शब्दोंकी दुनिया हमारा जीवन, लोग कवि कहते हैँ | "Word is my World, People call me a Poet"

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Santosh Jangam

"Monsoon Magic"

Green embrace, beauty rare,
Drenched saree, with tender care.

Deep breaths, pure delight,
Dreamlike moment, holding tight.

Raindrops whisper, time stands still,
World aglow, on her window sill.

Breeze caresses, fleeting dream,
Who is she? A monsoon gleam.

Apsara's grace, stars ignite,
Enchanting presence, bathed in light.

Nature's touch, maiden fair,
Words fall short, beauty beyond compare.

Rain god smiles, promise untold,
"I'll return," whispers brave and bold.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem paints a vivid picture of a beautiful woman enjoying a monsoon shower, highlighting the beauty of nature and the fleeting nature of moments.

#poem The poem paints a vivid picture of a beautiful woman enjoying a monsoon shower, highlighting the beauty of nature and the fleeting nature of moments. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Transformed by Verse"

New to this world of verse, I yearn,
My restless thoughts for solace turn.

First, I bow to the one divine,
Whose words ignite a heart's sunshine.

Imagination's river vast,
Sometimes fierce, serene at last.

In lonely depths, I used to dwell,
Her presence bright, a magic spell.

This bond, so strong, I can't deny,
My only thought, beneath the sky.

She changed my world, erased the line,
Her gentle touch, forever mine.

Winter's chill, or monsoon's sigh,
Beneath her shade, summers die.

With words of wisdom, she takes flight,
A symphony of pure delight.

My constant friend, my guiding star,
Her loving touch takes me afar.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem explores how poetry transforms from loneliness to inspired, finding solace and purpose in the creative world of verse.

#poem The poem explores how poetry transforms from loneliness to inspired, finding solace and purpose in the creative world of verse. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Song of the Heart"

Listen, dear, to love's sweet song,
Deep within, where hearts belong.

You are the song, you are the tune,
You are the love, that makes me swoon.

You are the day, you are the night,
You are the flame, my heart's light.

You are the breeze, you are the thrill,
You are the rain, that soaks my will.

You are the vision, you are the faith,
You are the hope, my soul's safe place.

You are the laughter, you are the pain,
You are the goal, for which I strain.

You are the boat, you are the shore,
You are the smile, that I adore.

You are the mind, you are the life,
You are the moment, my soul's delight.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The moral of the poem is that true love is all-encompassing and deeply intertwined with every aspect of life, providing light, hope, and purpose.

#poem The moral of the poem is that true love is all-encompassing and deeply intertwined with every aspect of life, providing light, hope, and purpose. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Swing of Dreams"

Heart swings on dreams, a monsoon's delight,
Yearning for you, my love, burns ever bright.

Through raven tresses, a path I will trace,
Kiss your moonlit face, a gentle embrace.

Like a chataka, for the evening I yearn,
A bee to your bloom, a love that will burn.

Calm the heart's lake, let emotions subside,
In your love's embrace, forever reside.

Lost in your eyes, the world fades from sight,
Will we meet again, in the coming twilight?

Shadows may lengthen, birds seek their nest,
But in your presence, my soul finds its rest.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem focuses on expressing the intense emotions of longing and attachment due to love. The imagery and metaphors create a vivid picture of the Lover's yearning for their beloved.

#poem The poem focuses on expressing the intense emotions of longing and attachment due to love. The imagery and metaphors create a vivid picture of the Lover's yearning for their beloved. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Everlasting Love" 

Far or near, you'll hear my call,
My love for you transcends all.

My thoughts with you always reside,
You're the rhythm, for which I confide.

Your path I'll follow, wherever it goes,
Forever entwined, like a blooming rose.

Love's ocean deep, in it we'll reside,
Today and ever, side by side.

Through laughter or tears, our bond won't sever,
Our love grows stronger, now and forever.

Two hearts entwined, a destiny sealed,
In this life and beyond, forever revealed.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem's message is that true love transcends distance and endures through time. Despite separation and challenges, love remains constant and unwavering.

#poem The poem's message is that true love transcends distance and endures through time. Despite separation and challenges, love remains constant and unwavering. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Starry Tales"

A bond so pure, like sky and stars,
Where laughter echoes, breaking jars.

Hand in hand, they roam at night,
Beneath the moon’s soft, gentle light.

Through starry realms, they wander far,
Catching dreams, a precious spar.

Tales they share, with endless glee,
In childhood’s world, wild and free.

Their bond, a fortress strong and true,
Old stories told, but ever new.

Her laughter bright, a joyful cheer,
Embracing all, so close and near.

Back to youth, they gently roam,
In sunlight’s warmth, they find their home.

Love’s tender touch, their spirits raise,
A bond reborn in heaven’s gaze.

Hearts entwined, souls in flight,
In this bond, bathed in light.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem celebrates the special bond between a grandfather and granddaughter. It highlights the power of love, storytelling, and shared experiences in creating a lasting and cherished relationship.

#poem The poem celebrates the special bond between a grandfather and granddaughter. It highlights the power of love, storytelling, and shared experiences in creating a lasting and cherished relationship. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Whispers of Time"

Moments play, then vanish unseen,
Bringing joy, sorrow, in between.

Felt or hidden, they hold our story,
Guiding us onward, whispering glory.

Ocean of life, or empty cup,
Moments rule us, never give up.

Smiling faces, they bring us light,
Holding happiness and darkest night.

Seen or unseen, they witness all,
A king's grandeur, or a pauper's fall.

Forever lasting, their purpose holds true,
Lessons to learn, for me and you.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem teaches us to cherish and make the most of every moment, as they are fleeting yet hold immense power to shape our lives.

#poem The poem teaches us to cherish and make the most of every moment, as they are fleeting yet hold immense power to shape our lives. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

**Mumbai - City of Dreams**

Mumbai awakens, the city breathes,  
Dreams on paths with danger beneath.

From Dharavi to Nariman's gleam,  
Untold tales, civilization's dream.

Buildings rise in ornate display,  
Urban jungle where dreams hold sway.

Local's rhythm, moral song,  
Crowded streets where throngs belong.

World's allure, grand attraction,  
Dreams take flight, new friction.

Feast of flavors, grand and small,  
Alleys to stars, we taste it all.

Festivals with glee, celebrated,  
Small India, joy unabated.

Stars shine bright, industries rise,  
Winds of wealth and power surmise.

Navratri Ganesh, Dahi-Handi arrival,  
Drums and dance in revival.

Sea swells, shore so wide,  
In waves, love does reside.

Bearing storms, countless chests,  
Backbone strong, never rests.

Truth and illusion blend each day,  
Mumbai's rhythm, tale that stays.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem portrays Mumbai's contrasting realities: dreams and struggles, tradition and change. It suggests Mumbai is a city of opportunity where dreams coexist with challenges.

#poem The poem portrays Mumbai's contrasting realities: dreams and struggles, tradition and change. It suggests Mumbai is a city of opportunity where dreams coexist with challenges. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"In Rama's Embrace"

Rama's light in hearts enshrined,
His victory, forever entwined.

Saints revere, souls find their prime,
Ayodhya's bliss transcends time.

Hanuman flies, Shabari smiles,
Sharayu flows, pure for miles.

Every pore dances with glee,
Rama's name sets spirits free.

Life unfolds, vast and grand,
Chant Rama's name, take a stand.

Ashes at his blessed feet,
Dreams complete, forever meet.

Rama's reign forever sings,
Ayodhya's joy forever rings.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem celebrates Rama's virtues and the joy found in following his path. It highlights devotion, righteousness, and selflessness.

#poem The poem celebrates Rama's virtues and the joy found in following his path. It highlights devotion, righteousness, and selflessness. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Eternal Embrace"

Radha and Krishna entwine,
A divine dance, celestial sign.

Passion pure, love so bright,
Bathes souls in sacred light.

Yamuna's stream, melody sweet,
Tales of love's fervent beat.

Krishna's flute, delight's sound,
In Radha's heart, always found.

Love's embrace, devotion's trace,
Imprints on time and space.

Vrindavan blooms, flowers sway,
Radha-Krishna's love holds sway.

Radha's eyes, Krishna's soul,
Love's reflection, makes them whole.

Symphony of hearts, passion's art,
A poem where devotion starts.

Morning, evening, love's flight,
Souls captivated in divine light.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem's moral is that true, divine love transcends time and space, awakening and uplifting the soul with its pure, eternal devotion.

#poem The poem's moral is that true, divine love transcends time and space, awakening and uplifting the soul with its pure, eternal devotion. #Poetry
