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Meghana Ladhania

Writer ✍ Reader 📚 Dreamer 💭

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Meghana Ladhania

वोह हमेशा अपने दुखों के सैलाब को,
अपने अंदर सिमट कर रखा करती थी।
जैसे ही उसने अपने सैलाब को बेहने दिया,
वैसे ही उसने अपने आप को अकेला और हल्का महसूस किया। #gif #Nojotohindi #nojotowriters

Meghana Ladhania

Happy chocolate day quotes messages To sweeten up one's life,
that had turned bitter with past emotions and feelings . #NojotoQuote Very random..
#nojotoenglish #chocolateday

Meghana Ladhania

For the one above knows thy strength,
For he is just testing our Patience..
For he always knew we would turn up perfectly fine in the end,
With all the scars beautifully etched 
The tremendous support from family and friends..
He always knew we would make it out perfectly fine,

(Continuation) For the one above knows thy strength, For he is just testing our Patience.. For he always knew we would turn up perfectly fine in the end, With all the scars beautifully etched & The tremendous support from family and friends.. He always knew we would make it out perfectly fine, #Dreams #Reality #Smile #accept #words #Storm #nojotoenglish


Meghana Ladhania

quotes on life PEACE OF MIND
HAPPINESS OF ONESELF AND OTHER'S.. #NojotoQuote Very random 😅
cos got nothing to say..
#Nojotorandom #nojotoenglish

Very random 😅 cos got nothing to say.. random #nojotoenglish #Nojotorandom


Meghana Ladhania

ZIndagi sms quotes in hindi ज़िन्दगी में हम:
थोड़ी सी इज्जत।
थोड़ी सी खुशियां,
कुछ हमारी कुछ आपकी।
थोड़ी की खोई हुई इंसानियत।
थोड़ा सा प्रेम।
कुछ दुख और कुछ सुख।
थोड़े आंसू ज़िन्दगी की असली एहमियत समझने के लिए।
 सपनो को पूरे करने की चाह और राह।
इस छोटी सी ज़िन्दगी से और क्या चाह हो सकती है। #NojotoQuote #Nojotohindi #hindiquote 
life is simple, we do complicate it..
funny 😅

hindi #HindiQuote life is simple, we do complicate it.. funny 😅 #nojotohindi


Meghana Ladhania

rose day quotes in Hindi यह गुलाब उन्हीं के हातों में अच्छे हैं,
जो छोटी छोटी खुशियों की एहमियत समझते हो।
जिसके चेहरे पे एक प्यारी सी मुस्कान इन नाज़ुक फूलों को देखकर आए। #NojotoQuote simple and true ❤
#Nojotohindi #roses #feelings #littlethings

simple and true ❤ hindi #Roses #feelings #littlethings #nojotohindi


Meghana Ladhania

I dunno What importance the Rose holds in one's life,
but it always did bring a smile on my FACE..
A genuine one,
no pretence,
no pain,
no agony,
but just happiness ❤
I wish people didn't have to dislike such days,
because of the scars that haunt them.
Instead they would let go and just try & be happy
about people in love and wish them luck.
A mere day is not enough to prove somebody you love them,
but why not take this as an opportunity,
like a time out from your busy schedule
and show them how much you do!
 #gif #Nojotoenglish #roseday #happiness #love
I don't have any grudges on this day,
poor thing why ppl just hate it 😦

english #roseday #Happiness #Love I don't have any grudges on this day, poor thing why ppl just hate it 😦 HAPPY ROSE DAY 🌹 #Gif #nojotoenglish


Meghana Ladhania

Mind SMS quotes status messages अपने और औरों के चेहरे पर जो मुस्कान आयी,
उसका कारण और कोई नहीं बल्कि, 
आपकी एक छोटी सी कोशिश थी।
यह जानकर मन को जो सुकून प्राप्त होता है,
उसकी कोई तुलना नहीं।
हर कोई के पास ऐसी कला नहीं होती जो,
औरों के चेहरे पर वोह खिलखिलाती मुस्कान ला पाए,
इस भागती दौड़ती ज़िन्दगी में।
जिन्हे खुद खुश होने का समय ना मिलता हो।
हसे मुस्काए और सभी को खुश रखे,
इसी का नाम ज़िन्दगी है। #NojotoQuote #Nojotohindi #Nojotowodhindiquotestatic
#smiles #happiness #efforts

Meghana Ladhania

Life SMS  quotes in hindi If i really get to write a new chapter of my life,
i would love to dedicate it to
For once i want to be selfish to think about ME!
For all the time & opportunities lost in the past.
Sufferings endured,
 Time that's never gonna return.
I wish to make up for everything that's lost,
the smiles,
the tears shed.
I can't go back,
nor do i desire too,
what's done is done!
Taking baby steps,
i wish to recover and come out stronger than usual!
Think of all the opportunity that's yet to arrive,
opportunities that needs to be chased!
Not wasting any single minute,
i wish to live life to the fullest and bask in the warmth of living..
As opportunities and happiness are gone with the bkink of an eye!
 #NojotoQuote #Nojotoenglish #Nojotowodenglishquotestatic
#oppurtunities #life #timeslost #emotions #tears #dreams #dreamers #wanderer

Meghana Ladhania

Alone Quotes In Hindi Mostly when alone i am drunk in my own thoughts about life,
analysing my so called achievements,
worrying about the untouched dreams,
hidden desires unfulfilled 
masked away from people's judgements!
Thoughts that makes our heart heavy,
the lost smiles. #NojotoQuote Thoughts that burden my mind when alone,
hidden dreams desires!
#Nojotoenglish #Nojotoenglishquotestatic #dreams #desires #hidden #burdens #heart #emotions #feelings

Thoughts that burden my mind when alone, hidden dreams desires! english #nojotoenglishquotestatic #Dreams #desires #Hidden #burdens #Heart #Emotions #feelings
