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Best smiles Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

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  • 423 Stories

roopali purohit

White The rags to riches stories, the great business ideas, the sucess, the bling but in all that we forget small wins 

I see so many stories of people winning making it big in thier life but lets talk about the wins that are smaller in the world but in thier own way they are the biggest ones.

I will talk about the wins I have come across in my day yo day life.

One woman in my office her husband died and she had three kids, she was totally Not aware of the world came out, worked become independent and settled all her three kids.

We take these wins for granted, because they happen daily but when we see a couple without anyone approval getting married and doing good in life.

Or we see a cousin who was a failure had done big in life and is doing good we tend to ignore those and search validation on social media. The big sucess stories takes all the fame.

We want the Instant stories but these smaller stories, the struggles it all takes time and its not as glamorus as we are used to see.

Yes sucess is glorious but have we ever had the patience of slow sucess

Lets hope we have that in future and do not ignore the small success.
#longform #storiesuntold #sucess #smallwins

©roopali purohit #Success #smallwin #smiles #life #goingon


“Whoever is happy will make others happy too.” #Happiness #nabeelmrkl #familytime love #smiles

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Neha Miss


“Joy is not in things; it is in us.” #Happymoments #sweeetfamily #happylife #nabeelmrkl #exploremore #smiles

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Happy birthday ഇച്ചുമ ❤️ #happybirthday #happyday #sweeetfamily #smiles #nabeelmrkl #Happiness

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ഇതിൽ ആരുടെ ചിരി കാണാൻ ആണ് കൂടുതൽ ഭംഗി ...😀 #Happymoments #smiles #nabeelmrkl #happyhour #Trending #vairlreels

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Ashish Sophat

Smile don't make the tough battles easier, They makes you better & battle-ready #ashishsophatquotes #smiles #philosophy #lifelessons #motavitonal

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Why Krishna always
Krishna never does anything without reason.
We have always seen Krishna smiling. When
KRISHNA came on earth to do his leela he
faced so many problems, from his childhood
itself demons tried to kill him. KRISHNA left
vrindavan to kill kamsa, To establish dharma.
He became the chariot driver of arjun in
Mahabharata. He accepted the curse from
Gandhari. Govind had so many problems still
he always had smile on his face. KRISHNA
wants you to understand that,no matter how
hard the situation gets, don't let the situation
overpower you. Keep your mind calm, you will
get solution yourself. King of the universes
loves you and this reason itself is enough for
you to stay happy in any situation.
Always stay happy, Krishna loves you

©KhaultiSyahi #dilkibaat #Krishna #smiles #jaishreekrishna #khaultisyahi #why Reason #Life_experience #trurh #God #praytoparmatma


(Quote124) A note to self, by one of my friend. life #yqbaba #yqdidi #itsokaytobeyou #smiles #friendsandletters

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A note to self:
"Hey girl,
sometimes it's better 
to stop judging our own self.
You're worthy enough. 
Pay attention to your patterns. 
The ways you learned to survive 
may not be the ways 
you want to continue to live. 
Heal and shift! " (Quote124) A note to self, by one of my friend. #life #yqbaba #yqdidi #itsokaytobeyou #smiles #friendsandletters