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Swarnim Saxena

Extrovert through pen. Instagram I'd: s.w.a.r.n.i.m_s.a.x.e.n.a

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Swarnim Saxena


(Swipe to next slide) #Barrier

Swarnim Saxena

Failing isn't an embarrassment if you learn "An Art".
Crying isn't a weakness if you buck up for a "Fresh Start".
Silence isn't a helplessness if you turn to a "Silent Mozart".
 Hiding isn't a cowardice if you are a "Veteran Street Smart".
Expressing less isn't being expression less if you connect your "Non verbal cues with your Heart".

To standalone in this "Weak Watered Mediocre Society" isn't a  social disability if you paint your life path like a "Piccaso's Art".

And never getting a back isn't a hapless fortune if you posses that "Silent Stalwart".


- Swarnim Saxena #Barrier

Swarnim Saxena

A Misconception:

Joy always comes with success.
Success always comes with being victorious.
Being victorious always comes by knocking out your opponent.

Ultimate Truth:

Joy always comes with serenity & self satisfaction.
Success always comes with learning & self upgrading.
Being victorious always comes by knocking out your own old version.

- Swarnim Saxena #Truth #Fact #Life #Happiness #Success

Swarnim Saxena

Did you ever wonder why each & every abuse or offensive slang in our so called progressive society is based on or objectify a female?

Or did you ever wonder why with every abuse a prefix such as "Mom" or "Sister" or any female orientation is  being attached?

When was the last time you heard a below the belt abusive word with prefix that included male orientation?

This apprise a lot about the malafide motive of our past generations as well as so called progressive thinking of our current generation.

- Swarnim Saxena #DesertWalk

Swarnim Saxena

Your life becomes a laughless joke
When you make yourself a lifeless bloke.

So give your brain that fruitful pain
To washout the pain which never gave a gain.

- Swarnim Saxena #Hope #desire #Quote #poem

Swarnim Saxena

If we structure the play by ourselves,
We can select who's going to play too.

But if we structure the ploy by ourselves,
A deserving one will knock us off on his/her best.

No matter who creates a play or a ploy, the one made for it will ground you in your own backyard's graveyard.

- Swarnim Saxena #backseat

Swarnim Saxena

Yes, it's true that "Nobody's Perfect In This World".
Though it doesn't mean you lack at something.

But if you do get jealous/insecure, laugh or doubt for no reason at someone's skill.
Then my pal, "Sorry to say but you do lack significant things as a person".
Atleast one should feel sorry for this kind of imperfection.

- Swarnim Saxena #Isolated Can anyone answer, actually what that person is missing in his/her life?
Do let me know your thoughts on my comment section below 🤗.

#Isolated Can anyone answer, actually what that person is missing in his/her life? Do let me know your thoughts on my comment section below 🤗. #Life_experience


Swarnim Saxena

Did you tried? Did you failed?
Don't bother. Give another try, fail once more.
But Fail better than before.

- Swarnim Saxena #Beauty What's your thought on failure? Do comment down below and let me know your views.

#Beauty What's your thought on failure? Do comment down below and let me know your views.


Swarnim Saxena

You can't become whole ocean on this earth.
But can definitely become "Ocean in the Pot".
Be impactful with your "Words and Work" rather than being an "Empty Pot".

- Swarnim Saxena #CupOfHappiness

Swarnim Saxena

You must have heard about a saying that " Drag your legs only to the extent of your quilt size".
But their are few people in your life that never let that quilt be insufficient for your legs to cover up.
You keep dragging your legs & so they extend your quilt.
Value those real-life saviours of your life voyage!!.

-Swarnim Saxena #HopeMessage