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- Arun Aarya

#autumn #जग में है

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Autumn एक दुनियाँ में सबकी
 दुनियाँ अलग अलग है ,

मग़र  मिलती - जुलती  
लगभग - लगभग  है !

कहाँ  तक  भागोगे  तुम  
अपनी  जिम्मेदारी से ,,

"आर्या " मिलना-जुलना तो
 सबको इसी जग में है..!!

- अरुन आर्या

©- Arun Aarya #autumn #जग में है


This cat here poem✍🧡🧡💛 #CAT #Love

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This cat here

This cat here
Is simply the best
So very friendly
Cuddly and affectionate

When he's near
You won't have to guess
He wants your lap because
All he wants to do is rest

When he's tired
He finds a quiet spot
Curls up and dreams
Often he sleeps alot

When he's hungry
He wants to feast
I make sure his bowl
Has plenty to eat

His litter box was clear
I cleaned it often 
Cats can be fussy
If not , there's a problem

Overall he is so great
Mellow and chilling
So much love to give
It's enough to be filling

This cat is not mine
But we became buddies
I wish I could have him
And give him cuddlies

Midnight , so amazing
A cat you really need
A pet that snuggles 
Next to you as you read

©Schizology This cat here

#poem✍🧡🧡💛 #CAT #love❤

Sanjana Hada


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Autumn  प्रेम 

सुना है प्रेम का महिना है,
तो हमें भी तो है किसी से अत्यंत अनंत प्रेम,

प्रेम..कहनें को तो एक शब्द मात्र है,
लेकिन कितनी पवित्रता है इसमें ,

प्रेम मुझे है, उस प्रकृति से जो मेरे समक्ष है,
कभी लगता है ये पेड़ - पौधे मुझे प्रेम सिखा रहे हैं,
कि हंसना कैसे है आगे बढ़ना कैसे है,
कहते हैं, ये कभी मुझसे बैठ संजना तूं हमारी छांव में,
ले उन सभी रसों का आनंद,
जो हमारे पुष्पों में है, महसूस कर उस महक को 
जो तेरे ह्रदय में है,
इस पवित्र प्रेम की मैं आदि हूं,
बस प्रकृति प्रेमी हूं...🌿🌴🌸

मुझे है प्रेम उस केसरिया रंग से,
उस सफेदी से जहां मैं इंगित कर सकती हूं अपना प्रेम,
वो हरियाली जो सभी के आंगन में खुशियां भर देती है,🇮🇳

प्रेम..हा हमें है प्रेम उस धरा - गगन से 
जो अंतहीन और अनन्य है,

हां हमें भी मोहब्बत है ख़ुद से...💞

©Sanjana  Hada #autumn

love you zindagi

Autumn आती नहीं रात में नींद बन गए हो तुम 
देखता रहता हूँ रात भर ख्वाब बन गए हो तुम 
जो चलती रहती हैं हर पल सांस बन गए हो तुम 
पल पल सताता है मुझे वो अहसास बन गए तुम ।।

@वकील साहब ✍️

©love you zindagi #autumn #तुम #नींद #ख़्वाब #सांस #अहसास🙂


Music is forever #Music poem✍🧡🧡💛

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Music is forever

In the elevator is a place with music
The sound can put you to 
At the corner store playing jazz
The shopkeeper sways and sweeps

You can hear music in many places
The beach is a common demonstration
When you're at the fair playing games
Musicians make it their destination

At work you may hear some music
In the office or on the factory floor
Some folks work better with it on
Watch them energize and roar

When you visit the park to swim
The music is often playing along
Big loud and fast dance music
The beat makes you sing the song

Wherever you may be to hear it
Enjoy the moment and just smile
When music is playing anywhere
It fits right into everyone's style

©Schizology Music is forever

#Music #poem✍🧡🧡💛


Without you here #alone poem✍🧡🧡💛

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Wirhout you here

Without you here now
Loneliness has overcome me
My sanity has slipped from me
My dreams have turned on me
Now nightmares are all I see
The demons have control of me
The door is locked without a key
My scars still continue to bleed
The pain stays, on me it feeds
Without you here now

This life 

I have no need

©Schizology Without you here

#alone #poem✍🧡🧡💛


Here is a bee #bee poem✍🧡🧡💛

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Here is a bee

Here is a bee
So nice to see
Do you agree?

Yellow and black
Means stand back
To avoid an attack

It's in the bush
But not in a rush
Quiet, it stays hush

Right in the flowers
Flying for hours
Takes alot of power

Pollen sticks like glue
On the bee and goes to
The next plant that's due

Bees are not hostile
Generally are not wild
But around them stay mild

©Schizology Here is a bee

#bee #poem✍🧡🧡💛


Here is a bee #bee poem✍🧡🧡💛 #Nature

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Here is q bee

Here is a bee
So nice to see
Do you agree?

Yellow and black
Means stand back
To avoid an attack

It's in the bush
But not in a rush
Quiet, it stays hush

Right in the flowers
Flying for hours
Takes alot of power

Pollen sticks like glue
On the bee and goes to
The next plant that's due

Bees are not hostile
Generally are not wild
But around them stay mild

©Schizology Here is a bee

#bee #poem✍🧡🧡💛 #Nature


Autumn #autumn poem✍🧡🧡💛

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Autumn leaves
Assorted shades of colour
Red , yellow and orange
Some green in the mixture

Autumn weather
Cold , bitter nights arrive
Frost in the mornings
Warm cozy coats come alive

Autumn activities
Halloween and Thanksgiving
Turkey , stuffing and ham
Pumpkin pie they'll be serving

Autumn indicates
Snow will be coming very soon
Christmas and new years 
Anticipation for the next June

©Schizology Autumn

#autumn #poem✍🧡🧡💛

Sanjana Hada

#autumn मैं

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Autumn इश्क - इश्क सी लड़की 
             Miss Hada..🌺🌺

इस डिजिटल युग में
साहित्य से प्रेम करने वाली मैं,

इंस्टाग्राम के जमाने में 
कविताएं लिखने वालीं मैं,

वेस्टर्न के जमाने में 
बिल्कुल सलवार सूट जैसी मैं,

New गानों से कोसों दूर भागने वालीं मैं 
हमेशा सदाबहार गाने सुनने वाली मैं,

न कोई Message न कोई Video call 
मुझे पसंद है Face to Face बातें करना ,

मुझे आता नहीं बातें बनाना 
मुझे तो बस अब स्वयं को है जानना ,

आता नहीं मुझे कोई षड्यंत्र 
मैं तो चाहती हूं बस अब स्वयं पर नियंत्रण,

मैं हर परिस्थिति में भी 
पन्नों पर प्रेम बिखेरना चाहती हूं 
मैं अपने व्यक्तित्व को 
शब्दों से निखारना चाहती हूं,

हां मैं स्वयं से इश्क करना चाहती हूं...🌺

©Sanjana  Hada #autumn मैं