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born in October

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अक्टूबर में जन्मे लोग शांत होते हैं

 वे शांत और शांत लोग हैं जो अपनी भावनाओं और भावनाओं को उनके अंदर समाहित करना पसंद करते हैं।  उनका आसान-सा रवैया उन्हें बहुत ठंडा स्वभाव देता है।  वे समस्याओं को आकर्षित नहीं करते हैं और अधिक दोस्त बनाने में विश्वास करते हैं born in October

Fahad Khan

#Pehlealfaaz Mai itna he muyassar hun' jitny ap mustahik hain #October #Quotes

Internet Jockey

Tanveer Ghazi quotes #October #विचार

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चल आधी आधी थोड़ी, झूठी चाय पी लें चल
 थोड़ी सी हैं मेरी सांसें, दोनों जी लें चल
-Tanveer Ghazi Tanveer Ghazi quotes #October

thirumalai vasan

I keep falling in love with October since I was born in the month of October 🤩 💕😘

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Over and over again, I find myself falling in love with October. There are no more beautiful days in the entire year than those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the gentle heavens, the red leaves cover the road, and you can feel the breath of winter in the morning and evening. There are no other days that are as peaceful, tenderly solemn, and filled with such a reverent meekness. Then the sun dipped below the horizon, the leaves fell asleep, and Autumn awoke.The reverse of spring is autumn.There were several opportunities in October. The stifling heat of the summer was a distant memory, and the golden leaves hinted at a world filled with lovely adventures. They inspired me to have faith in miracles. I keep falling in love with October since I was born in the month of October 🤩 💕😘

K Saket

#Quotes #poem #Gandhi jayanti #2nd October

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We want Freedom Freedom of thoughts
 are weapons of 
new dimensions
-ksaket #Quotes #poem #Gandhi jayanti #2nd October


People born in October kindly collab with your birth date! #yqbaba #yqbirthdaymonth #yqgreetings

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25th October People born in October kindly collab with your birth date!

HàppY ujjwaL

बाधाओ के कंकड़ 
रास्ते से खुद चुन रहा हूँ

थोड़ा सब्र कर ए जिंदगी
अभी ख्वाब बुन रहा हूँ। #LastDay #born to shine #motivation #quotes #life #quote

Akthari Begum

In October,
Recieve more 
Happiness.  #october 

Earning coach Kamlesh

Ravi yadav


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