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New mother teresa quotes forgive them anyway Quotes, Status, Photo, Video

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Prince Martin

White Forgive, O Soul

Within the depths, where shadows dwell,
I seek redemption, a tale to tell.
Forgiveness, like a gentle grace,
Can mend broken hearts, a sacred space.

Let go of grudges, release the pain,
Embrace compassion, heal the disdain.
Unburdened by resentment's weight,
I find solace, a brighter fate.

forgiveness is a gift divine,
A path to healing, where love will shine.
I choose to forgive, to set me free,
And in that act, I find true liberty.

©Prince Martin #sad_shayari  #Forgive #Love #peace


White you  can  MISS  people 
but  you  don't  have to 
Want  them  back ..!!

you  can  FORGIVE  people 
but  you  don't  have 
to  Give  them
Second  Change ..!!

©DIL_KI_BAATH #Moon #miss #people #Dont #want  #them #back #Forgive #Second #Chance


mother Quotes in hindi 🥰 #मोटिवेशनल

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Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do' (Lk. 23: 34)

©KhaultiSyahi Good Friday 
#goodfriday #jesus #Christ #Christian #holywounds #holyweek
#khaultisyahi #Forgive them #bibleverse #bible 📖👼

Asina banu

mom and daughter mother # love quotes #

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Saranya Saravanan

#villagelife # forgive . love has forgiveness #Love

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Akhil Kael

#Forgive thy self #fisherman

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Mother #Mother poem✍🧡🧡💛 #Mother #Poetry

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M - Most valued person I know
O - Often taken for granted
T - Time spent together is priceless
H - Has so much love to give
E - Everyone needs their mother
R - Really cares deeply for her chidren

©Schizology Mother

#Mother #poem✍🧡🧡💛 #Mother

Hope Never Die

#Forgive #Life

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jyoti kanwar
