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In life you get one side success.. And the other side you get pain... This life..... We have move on.......

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I make me to capable for that person,
Who does not want to return in my life...  In life you get one side success..
And the other side you get pain...
This life..... We have move on.......


In life you get one side success.. And the other side you get pain... This life..... We have move on.......

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I make me to capable for that person,
Who does not want to return in my life...  In life you get one side success..
And the other side you get pain...
This life..... We have move on.......

Alwin Shibi

#Gulaab #Love #on one side#

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one side emotions ♡ #Emotions #Pain #Love #Care

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what is more painful his presence or his acceptance. 
                - Payal Roy one side emotions ♡ #emotions #pain #love #care

kabir sk

शुक्रिया तुम्हारा🙏
 Ek हँसते हुए ☺
चेहरे ko खामोश 💔
कर दिया😌

©kabir sk #Love #Pain #One #side #story #truelove  #Shayari #Broken 

Dpk Kumar

one side the lv at one side

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वो जो शक्स था,रातो को उठ- उठकर रोता था
उस लड़की यादो की गोद मैं सर रख कर सोता था ,
वो जो शक्स था,
बैचेनी से जिया करता था
अंसुओ को पिया करता था
एक साल हो गया, पता नहीं कहा चला गया वो।
वो जो शक्स था। one side
#the lv at one side


thise poem based on one side love.

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मिथिला झा

#One side #Life

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अब पता नहीं क्यू एक अलग सा सुकून मिल रहा है  
तुमसे प्यार करने का अब पुरा का पुरा हक मुझे मिल रहा है । 
                                                      अदिति  💛

©अdiतi झAa ✨ #one side

Ashutosh Wankhade

one side

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Dil Tuta to Awaj to 
Hogi na yaaaraa...
Par Dard sif ek ko
Masus hota hai.. one side

Rakesh Gujrati Chandrvanshi

one side #शायरी

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