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Best everyrose Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

Find the Best everyrose Shayari, Status, Quotes from top creators only on Nojoto App. Also find trending photos & videos about every kiss and every hug you make me fall in love, shrek ever fallen in love, ever fallen in love, every part of you, like if you cry every time,

  • 4 Stories

Darshan Blon

Every rose has a thorn,
Similarly my dear:
From each failure-
You always have something to learn,
The sun does give us warmth n energy,
But if you soak in it too much
Oh yes, your skin will burn,
The destination may seem too far
So to reach that ultimate point,
Sometimes you need to walk,
But sometimes you may have to Run.  #apmchallenge

Sanjana Kumar

Every rose has a thorn. 
Every yearning has a rush. 
Like that song, we sung the other
Half forgotten lyrics, several incorrect
 melodies and yet such precision. 
Given a chance, we'd never actually get
 rid of the thorns adorning a rose. 
We'd much rather have the trail 
of red ,bleed out of our finger tips. 
We'd much rather leave that song
 incomplete and sing it with the same
 incoherence the next time.  #yqbaba #apmchallenge #everyrose #yqpowrimo #yqtales #yqquotes #rush 
The rush of yearning.  

Durga Kannan

Every rose has a thorn
That's the law of nature
There's no light without darkness
No joy without sorrow
No pleasure sans pain
No sweetness without bitterness
All are two sides of the coin
One cannot exist without another
That's the beauty of existence #yqbaba#apmchallenge#everyrose#apmpoetrymarathon

Avesh Shaikh

Every rose has a thorn,
They prick,
And my face blushes with a smile,
Coz it reminds me of you, 
You are a beautiful rose,
And our memories are the thorns,
It also pricks my heart,
But they are close to my heart, 
As they're the only thing I am left alone with.

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