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Best day62 Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

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  • 5 Stories

Snigdha Agrawal


Today is here
Bright and sunny
Grab it for what it gives
Pain and pleasure 
Friends and deceits
Best to forget, forgive

Hold no grudges 
Discolours life
Let the bad slip through sieve
Open your heart
Let love flow in
Live and let live

 #100poemsfor100days #day62 #yqbaba #yqquotes #dailychallenge #writingresolution #writinginspiration

Snigdha Agrawal

Let's admit one reads a small time writer's
  musings one buys their self published books
  on amazon/kindle, if the motive for writing is for
  for your personal satisfaction, go
  ahead, pour your heart and soul
  into it, and watch your growth 
  graph rising. Expect nothing else.
..Truth be told, writing does not
  fetch rewards, recognition, unless
  you are on top of the league 
..That does not imply you stop writing

 #100poemsfor100days #day62 #yqbaba #yqquotes #dailychallenge #dailyinspiration #dailymotivation

Snigdha Agrawal

Don't get disheartened...
if they say your writing makes no sense
it's because they cannot make sense 
of your poem's  essence 
They are fed on what is taught in books
They cannot think for themselves
If yours is a departure from the traditional
It will be written off as 'failed'

Don't get disheartened...
if your poems don't conform to styles set
Write the way your heart dictates
No need to maintain rhyme or rhythm
Be the non-conformist, create new trends
Some day your style will make you famous
Many will try to emulate, with little success

And then you will go down in the annals
A writer who broke all conventions.
 #100poemsfor100days #day62 #yqbaba #yqquotes #dailychallenge #dailyinspiration #mirakee #writer

Snigdha Agrawal

For centuries heads and hats grabbed attention
Bowlers, Fedoras, Panamas, Walkers,
each worn for a specific purpose
Nose never complained of any unfairness
Now out of the blue, nose has assumed  prominence, 
pushing head to second position
with designer masks on noses of faces
Head's enormously miffed 'led by the nose"
This is unfair, but chooses to pretend
Says "no skin of my nose, short lived glory,
enjoy the stint.  After all the fuss around you, 
head is more than just a head rack.
Can't make out heads or tails of this attitude 
of yours, turning up your nose as though
heads will soon roll. Let's make it clear
the sword of Damocles hangs over your head
you'll be back being just a nose when this ends.
Nose has no bones to pick up with head
There's no need to rub my nose into this
I never brought in the Corona virus.  

 #day62 #lockdown #thoughts #coronavirus #yqbaba #yqquotes #heads #hats

Meenakshi Sethi

सर्द रिश्तों में पिघलना 
दूरियों की आँच में जम जाना तेरा 
ऐ जिंदगी !

सफर बरसों का
बस कुछ चंद कदमों में गुज़र जाना तेरा 
ऐ जिंदगी !

हर सुबह के आने तक
वो मीलों लम्बी रात को सुलगाना तेरा 
ऐ जिंदगी !

इन मुसाफिर कदमों का चलना 
और हर मोड़ पर मंजिलें बदलते चले जाना तेरा 
ऐ जिंदगी !

कैसे लिखूँ 
मेरे हर हर्फ में स्याही बन उतर आना तेरा 
ऐ जिंदगी !

-Meenakshi Sethi #wingsofpoetry 


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