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Best bengalis Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

Find the Best bengalis Shayari, Status, Quotes from top creators only on Nojoto App. Also find trending photos & videos about bengalis in pakistan, bengalis in bollywood, bengalis in assam, bengalis in kerala, love quotes for him in bengali,

  • 2 Stories

Subham Krishna

Did u know how bengalis became so good singers??
You will be surprised to know that firstly bengali's have normal vocal chords but as u know that they eat fish with rice as their delicacy then u know that fish have Skeleton like thorns in a plant like rose have in their stems then that Thor/thorn like Skeleton in that fish which struck in their mouth and that obstruction leads them to clean their mouth thoroughly thus their throat or vocal chords became so fine  that they became a sign/symbol of good singers,this is how bengali's made their throat so fine and they became so good singers.
Written with love for all bengalis 😜😜😂😂 except CM Didi of bengal whose throat was good in her adolescent time.😜🙂🙏. SORRY.❤️ #how #bengalis #becomes #good #singers #.

Subham Krishna

Did u know how bengalis became so good singers??
You will be surprised to know that firstly bengali's have normal vocal chords but as u know that they eat fish with rice as their delicacy then u know that fish have Skeleton like thorns in a plant like rose have in their stems then that Thor/thorn like Skeleton in that fish which struck in their mouth and that obstruction leads them to clean their mouth thoroughly thus their throat or vocal chords became so fine  that they became a sign/symbol of good singers,this is how bengali's made their throat so fine and they became so good singers.
Written with love for all bengalis 😜😜😂😂 except CM Didi of bengal whose throat was good in her adolescent time.😜🙂🙏. SORRY.❤️ #how #bengalis #become  #good #singers #.

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