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Best speakingmymind Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

Find the Best speakingmymind Shayari, Status, Quotes from top creators only on Nojoto App. Also find trending photos & videos about public speaking according to the experts, you should only speak good of the dead, he is speaking the language of gods, inability to speak, english speaking course sikhna hai,

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Grishma Doshi

Travelling to places or around the world, working hard or smart, earning good or better than that, having a friend or friends, all of that is good but most important of all or for all is to communicate. You can be natural if you're lucky but if you're not then it's ok. You can learn you can improve but you can't ignore it. For yourself, for others, for all the things you love, for everything in life. For life itself communicate. 

Saying I can't or making no effort is not a choice, and still, you make one then it's not a good one I bet. Your words might not have all the wisdom but they will surely have you and your emotions. No need for them to be perfect as there will be people who will hear. Even if few don't listen it's ok. But if you stop you will lose not them but yourself. 

So next time you feel you can't then ask yourself why and see if you can fix it. But don't just pass through life like posts that pass through your fingers while scrolling on Instagram, unable to relate. 

P.S: Being introverted or extroverted have nothing to do with communication. 💭💭
#communicate #saywhatyoufeel #livelife #lifeskills #humanskills #thoughts #speakingmymind #grishmathoughts

Christy Grace

Christy Grace

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