Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

White In the velvet night sky, the moon shines bri

White In the velvet night sky, the moon shines bright,
A beacon of peace, a comforting light.
Its gentle glow, a celestial sight,
Guiding us through the darkness of night.

A silent sentinel, watching from above,
A reminder of the power of love.
A symbol of hope, a sign from high,
A peaceful presence in the midnight sky. 

As we gaze upon its serene face,
We feel a sense of calm and grace.
It whispers to us in its silent way,
That everything will be okay. 

So let us cherish this heavenly gift,
And let its beauty our spirits lift.
For in the presence of the moon at night,
We find solace, in its soothing light.

©Sunita Pathania
  #rajdhani_night #moonlight 
#Celestial #calmandgrace
#Nojoto #nojotoapp 
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