It's been the season of deaths. Past few months didn't come with even a single news of emergence of a new life but of deaths only. People are dying and they will keep on dying, in future. You can do nothing about it. That's how it works, right? Birth, life and death. What comes in between of birth and death is life. Us, the Gen Z kids, be saying that life sucks. Okay. It does, maybe. I don't know.
But people are dying and maybe, because of that only, life sucks.
Let's say, when I began my jour #Death#grief
Kaushambhi Dixit
What's left is a silhouette
that glows in the moonlight.
Gazing upon the boldface of fire,
the spark fuming into flame,
I like the beauty and heft of it,
on life left behind.
Life came ahead of us or did we?
How come life's such a blur hue; #wcwordoftheday#wctakemehome
Kaushambhi Dixit
We talk. Don't we?
It's just that, I recieve no replies in your voice anymore.
Participate in the #rapidfire and define the word #punishmentin1line
My favourite entries posted before 10 pm IST will be highlighted tomorrow. #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba
Clouds- so fluffy. Don't show what they hide within until it rains.
Kaushambhi Dixit
When she says, don't call me again and again. Try to settle in there. 🙇🏻😂
Participate in the #rapidfire and come up with New Ways of Saying I Miss You. #newwaysimissyou
My favourite entries posted before 10 pm IST will be highlighted tomorrow. #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba
Kaushambhi Dixit
मानव मष्तिस्क ब्रम्हांड में भ्रमण करते प्रत्येक प्रश्न तथा उसके उत्तर का केंद्र बिंदु है । जिज्ञासा इन प्रश्नों की पोषक है तथा प्रश्न जीवन की गतिशीलता के अग्रज। अधिक से अधिक जानने की प्रबल इच्छा इस तुच्छ रचना मानव को, ईश्वरीय अस्तित्व पर प्रश्नचिन्ह लगाने की प्रेरणा देती है तथा ज्ञान अर्जित करने की यह भूख मनुष्य को हाशिये पर लाकर खड़ा कर देती है।
यहां से प्रारंभ होता है एक अध्याय, शून्य से आरंभ तथा शून्यता में ही विलीन होते अस्तित्व का। जीवन और मृत्यु सदैव विरोधाभाषी परिप्रेक्ष्य में पारिभाषित #Shiva#yqquotes
Kaushambhi Dixit
Struggling amongst conspiracies of time and space all along,
Wandering down the lane so bleak with no trace of light, just dark all around.
The crystal orbs a piece azure, twinkling hard the rarest dazzles, allure.
As if, universe's peaking from a constellation,
Atoms dancing, jumping and colliding, giving life of my kind a new definition.
This time, it's pious and pure.
An unworthy-small-insignificant being,
Accepting flaws, truths, life and everything while being caught in it's paws. #yqbaba#shock#wotd
एक ख़त लिखा था किसी ने।
ख़त लिखना ही सब कुछ नहीं होता,
उसे उसके हक़दार के पास पहुंचाना भी तो था।
पर समय लगता है, बहुत ज़्यादा समय लगता है।
दूरी अधिक थी, ख़त दूरियों में ही कहीं खो गया।
आज एकाएक, एक दशक बीत जाने के बाद,
कुछ शब्द मेरे आस-पास दौड़ते, खेलते जान पड़ते हैं। #yqdidi#yqhindi