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Why, crickets, why? #OldPoem #crickets #Poetry

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Why, crickets, why

Sitting on a saturday afternoon
Listening to the crickets
They make such a fuss lately
Hiding in the bush and thickets

Constantly chirping, all of them
From day to night repeating
Do they not know that
People may be sleeping

Some find the sound soothing
They become tired
Drifting away to the music
The crickets have transpired

You can love them or hate them
Either way, they're nature
Serving a purpose for earth
Let's have peace with our neighbour

©Schizology Why, crickets, why?
#OldPoem #crickets #Poetry

Saddam Hossain

Crickets Fan #Life

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Why, crickets, why (written last summer) #crickets #Night #poem #Poetry

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I wrote this last summer

Why, crickets why

Sitting on a Saturday afternoon
Listening to the Crickets
They make such a fuss lately
Hiding in the bush and thickets

Constantly chirping, all of them
From day to night repeating
Do they not know that
People may be sleeping

Some find the sound soothing
They become tired
Drifting away to the music
The Crickets have transpired

You can love them or hate them
Either way, they're nature
Serving a purpose for earth
Let's have peace with our neighbour

©Schizology Why, crickets, why (written last summer)

#crickets #Night #poem


Crickets chirping #crickets poem✍🧡🧡💛 #Nature #Poetry

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Crickets chirping

Some crickets are chirping
Some crickets are flirting
Other crickets are alerting
And a few just observing

In unison many cry to the night
Simultaneously as I sit and type
Earlier they were in a big hype
Frantically buzzing up their vibe

All around me that eerie sound
Like a horror movie with surround
For hours the crickets get so wound
Sometimes the noise is so profound

I am getting bitten by mosquitoes
I'm not very fond of them fellows
If I get itchy I will feel such sorrow
So I'll end this now and say chow

©Schizology Crickets chirping

#crickets #poem✍🧡🧡💛 #Nature


Why crickets, why? #crickets #why poem✍🧡🧡💛 #Poetry

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Why crickets, why?  (old poem)

Sitting on a Saturday afternoon
Listening to the Crickets
They make such a fuss lately
Hiding in the bush and thickets

Constantly chirping, all of them
From day to night repeating
Do they not know that
People may be sleeping

Some find the sound soothing
They become tired
Drifting away to the music
The Crickets have transpired

You can love them or hate them
Either way, they're nature
Serving a purpose for earth
Let's have peace with our neighbour

©Schizology Why crickets, why?

#crickets #why #poem✍🧡🧡💛


crickets this post #Sports

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Archana Rai

#Quotes #about

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जो व्यक्ति आपके खामोशी को ना समझ सके तो, उसे अपनी बातों को समझाना व्यर्थ है।।

Archana Rai #quotes #about

Deiva Kani

crickets plyars very thriller and sportsman #Sports

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quotes about negative peoplequotesaboutnegativepeople #Life

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Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.

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Quotes about life #Quotes #lovequotes

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And then you will realize one day that,

"Letting go was the only option you got"

Everything else was just assumption.

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