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Dr.Madhumita Mulia

Poet Maddy

मेरे अल्फ़ाज़ों मे मोहब्बत है कम, और इसमें ग़म थोड़ा ज़्यादा है........... Love#words#sadness#intention#hurt#gazal#GATHERING#Loveone#sheddingtears#Promise........

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मेरे अल्फ़ाज़ों मे मोहब्बत है कम,
और इसमें ग़म थोड़ा ज़्यादा है...........
मेरा यहां किसी एक शख़्स का भी,
दिल दुखाने का न कोई इरादा है.........
जब मैं पढ़ूंगा महफ़िल में ग़ज़ल,
सबको अपने महबूब याद आएंगे.........
कोई आंसू बहाए बिना नहीं उठेगा,
ये मेरा इस पूरी महफ़िल से वादा है.......

©Maddy Poet Maddy मेरे अल्फ़ाज़ों मे मोहब्बत है कम,
और इसमें ग़म थोड़ा ज़्यादा है...........


वैद्य (dr) उदयवीर सिंह

Intention defies your destiny.💞💞💞 #uvsays #mentalHealth #Zindagi knowledge #prudence #intention #Destiny #justifying #vedsatwa

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वैद्य (dr) उदयवीर सिंह

जिम्मेदारी और नीयत ही रिश्तों को सहेज सकते हैं...💐💐💐 #responsibility #relationshipgoals #intention #torchbeareer #lifecoaching knowledge #uvsays #vedsatwa #Quotes #ayurveda

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Anjali Kumari


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Prem Anand Nallathambi

#Creativity #intention #Outcome Life #Uplift image created by app Dream by Wombo

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Creating an AK47 and atomic bomb was creativity too. Your outcome and intention is essential in deciding whether your creativity will destroy or uplift the life.

©Prem Anand Nallathambi #Creativity #intention #Outcome #Life #Uplift 
image created by app Dream by Wombo

Hira Vajahat


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Mankind passes judgement on our actions,
But Allah passes judgement on our intentions. #Intention

Hira Vajahat


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Prayer for show is Polytheism
Shaddad bin Aus(R.A) transmits that he heard the Messenger of Allah saying:"Whoever prayed with intention to show off,did commit Polytheism;whoever fasted to show off did commit Polytheism; whoever did charity for show off did commit Polytheism.(Ahmed) #Intention

J.P. Nisha Sewani

Hey all! New poem for the New week & The New MONTH.Share this that much that everyone stands to help someone else. Do share your valuable comments & expressions. #jpnishasewani #God poetry #Happiness #Help #Smile #intention #Present

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No matter how good are your intentions, the World knows only to look at your presentation.
No matter how great is your presentation, GOD only looks at people with good intentions.
Decide to help a person, as you are capable to help.
Be glad that along with the self, you too can provide someone help.
Selfishly you helped, that's in vain; 
Selflessly you help, God will never let you be in Pain.
Thy helped someone, nothing's gone;
In thy search the World is looking on.
For it will multiply your Good deeds,
As Nature never let the acts of goodness get captivated by unwanted weeds.
Even if you made one person smile, 
The Nature will thus gift you thousands of smiles.
The moment you rise to create a dark mile, 
The darkest is you.
Rather, create a Happy mile for someone
The pleasure of smile will always be with you & your family.
You will always remain Happy by keeping a Good Intention
Although, people will not choose you see how fortunate of you that God will be the first one to always choose you.
Remember the lines of Bhagwat Geeta, Happiness can be felt when you make others Happy.
The world's happiest moment is when you selflessly help someone.
IMPRESS GOD! Hey all! New poem for the New week & The New MONTH.Share this that much that everyone stands to help someone else.
Do share your valuable comments & expressions.
#jpnishasewani #god #poetry #happiness #help #smile #intention #present