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Pankaj Singh Chawla

Bhut zalim hai y Acidity #yqbaba #yqdidi #yqpowrimo #zalim #acidity #pchawla16 #Funny

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Acidit, Gas, Badhazmi, Headek
सब मिलकर क्या गज़ब ढाती है,
भुल जाता है सबकुछ,
पल भर में जान निकल जाती है,
बहुत ज़ालिम है ये,
इतना ज़ालिम तो इश्क़ भी नही होता होगा,
जितना दर्द पल भर में ये दे जाती है,
रुला कर दर्द देकर ज़ालिम राहत भी एक पल में दे जाती है,
सच में ये
Acidity, Gas, Badhazmi, Headek
किसी बेवफ़ा से भी ज्यादा बेवफाई कर जाती है।। Bhut zalim hai y Acidity
#yqbaba #yqdidi  #yqpowrimo  #zalim #acidity #pchawla16 

Vijay Mohite

# राम बाण इलाज FOR Acidity problem# #Knowledge

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Suchismita Sengupta

You know you're a Bengali Adult when you accept 
Kheleo ombol na kheleo ombol ~Acidity is part of Life~

#acidity #bengali #meme #funnymeme #meme_wala_bhaiya #yqmeme #yqbaba #yqdidi

Varadhan P M

#Stress #Causes

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What causes STRESS?

    It is due to the gap developed

between our Expectations and Reality.

    Reduce the gap to reduce Stress. 🙂 #stress #causes

Md saddam 'Rose'

Tobacco causes cancer #Music

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Tobacco causes cancer
Pls dnt use

By;Md saddam Tobacco causes cancer

Manasseh Ayinaparthi

#Injection causes #Irritation

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Injecting everything into Heart,
will start
Irritating every minute for Brain. #injection causes #irritation

Varadhan P M

We make a hue and cry about the problems around us.

We forget that we only created them.

So we only know the Solutions also!  #problemsoflife #causes #solutions #known

Varadhan P M

There are Hundreds of people
succumbing to this day by day...
There are therapies drugs..
Easiest one, and also most simple one is there.
What's Depression.? The Shrinking of the Mind results in depression. Then how to expand it?
Meditation.. What happens is your mind travels freely , roams all over the world, Universe.. Practise this daily in good faith.  #depression #reason #causes #meditation #cure


smoking is causes for cancer

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Aparnaa Nanda

Causes cause! 🥀 . . . #aparnaa #yqbaba #newwritersclub

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Prettiest excuses are 
the cause for 
the deepest hurt  Causes cause! 🥀
#aparnaa #yqbaba #newwritersclub