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Hemant Meena

#LostTracks #instead #Love Ramvir Kori Miss_guggi kavita ranjan Jyoti Singh Singh Romeo Akhtar Walter 👑

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सबकी जिंदगी में एक 

ऐसा इंसान होता है 

जो किस्मत में नहीं 

होता लेकिन दिल 

और दिमाग में होता है

©Hemant Meena #LostTracks #instead #Love  Ramvir Kori Miss_guggi  kavita ranjan Jyoti Singh Singh Romeo Akhtar Walter 👑

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#Thanks and gratitude to Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and literary critic for his wonderful critical appreciation of my poem'A LOOK AT LIFE-45'.Thanks and gratitude sir for your beautiful words Smruti Ranjaniji, Your poem titled"A Look At Life -45"is a poem that bares before us the peculiarities and contradictions that we come across here in this world.The fleeting nature of this world is a certainty which we can't discount at all.Everything in this world is subjected to change,tha

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Thanks and gratitude to Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and literary critic for his wonderful critical appreciation of my poem'A LOOK AT LIFE-45'.Thanks and gratitude sir for your beautiful words

Smruti Ranjaniji,

Your poem titled"A Look At Life -45"is a poem that bares before us the peculiarities and contradictions that we come across here in this world.The fleeting nature of this world is a certainty which we can't discount at all.Everything in this world is subjected to change,that is the only reality we come across in our lives.The truths and lies also undergo multiple changes as per the transitory nature of the society.Our perceptions and assumptions do depend upon the individuals we come across in our lives,often our perceptions are created by the hysteria of the massive media networks spewing out venom on us with their fake and concotated new items.The truths that you perceive as rights may not have any truth in it afterall.There are certain bitter truths that are swept under the carpets,they are more truthful than the so called truths of the officialdom.For example,we all know why the wars are sustained here in this world,it is subtly to help the arms and ammunitions industries based in the West,but if we make such an argument,nobody takes notice of that at all,instead they all believe that the Western powers wage war in oriental territories to bring democracy to these places,in fact that contention is far from the truth.So a truth is not a permanent truth and likewise a lie is not a permanent lie,so always remember that today's lies are tomorrow's truths and today's truths are tomorrow's lies.So it is time that we must not be judgemental in terms of our approach,instead let us not judge others so that we shall not be judged at the end.Kudos to you for composing such a poem of magnificently philosophical pedigree.

Written by Cijo Joseph Chennelil.The Head of the English Department Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology Chethipuzha Changanassary Kottayam District Kerala India All Copyrights Reserved@ On 3rd October 2017.


Nothing is absolute 
in this relative world of ours 
even truth and lies 
good and bad
time and space are
subject to conditions

Nothing remains
pelf and power, beauty and ellegance
hatred and jealousy are 
for a peroiod of time
everything keeps on changing
so the pair of opposites
circumstance, time and individuals involved
decide who and what is what
it depends how you perceive reality
in a world of relativity and
it is your perception, interpretation and prority that guides you
arrive a conclusion
which may not be right
your lie may save an innocent  
your truth may cost ones life
some truths are blatant lies
some true  lies are naked truths
more true than truth itself

It is the spell and purpose 
that decides how true the truth is
and how false the lies are
nothing is more pseudo and poignant 
than the bitter truth that harms the innocent and nothing is more true
than the lie which saves
the ingenious, helps justice and
fair play to blossom
and have its way

What is good for you
may not be so for another
and what is good is only for a period 
of time in a particular circumstance
with change in circumstance and
individuals in an interaction situation
the texture and colour of truth and lie
good and bad change

Space is both finite and infinite
time not always goes ahead
it reverses its forward movement
and recedes back and
yesterday comes instead of tomorrow
under conditions
universe expands and contracts
stars become black dwarf, planetary nebula, black hole, grey matter
hence nothing remains as such
and keeps on changing, dying
and coming alive again and again

Birth and death
earth becoming black dwarf
and black dwarf becoming earth
bubbling with vitality
are but parts of life 
already there in the cosmic drama
enacted on the big stage

copyright@smrutiranjan 10.9.2017 #Thanks and gratitude to Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and literary critic for his wonderful critical appreciation of my poem'A LOOK AT LIFE-45'.Thanks and gratitude sir for your beautiful words

Smruti Ranjaniji,

Your poem titled"A Look At Life -45"is a poem that bares before us the peculiarities and contradictions that we come across here in this world.The fleeting nature of this world is a certainty which we can't discount at all.Everything in this world is subjected to change,tha

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#Thanks and gratitude Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literay critic for your fabulous analysis of my poem 'A LOOK AT LIFE -43'.Infact your brilliant interpretation of the poem made it look more beautiful and complete Smruti Ranjaniji, Your poem titled"A Look At Life -43"is a poem that sheds light on the alienation and isolation experienced by old parents in the evening of their life due to them being abandoned by their grown up children,this is a horrend

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Thanks and gratitude Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literay critic for your fabulous analysis of my poem 'A LOOK AT LIFE -43'.Infact your brilliant interpretation of the poem made it look more beautiful and complete

Smruti Ranjaniji,

Your poem titled"A Look At Life -43"is a poem that sheds light on the alienation and isolation experienced by old parents in the evening of their life due to them being abandoned by their grown up children,this is a horrendous prospect,many old parents today stare at day in and day out in our society of changing value system and a total lack of concern for the geriatric population.Here in the poem,the old parents have nothing to count upon because their hopes and expectations with respect to their children looking after them in their old age are misplaced and belied to a large extent.The parents bring up children thinking and hoping that these children will be of help to them in the final stage of their life,that is now discounted completely.The parents earn everything for the sake of the children,but at the end,the children are ungrateful to their parents.The reasons behind the old parents getting stifled in their home environment at old age can be attributed to two flaws of upbringing of their children by them(a)the children are burdened with the task of fulfilling the aspirations of their parents instead of them being asked to chase their dreams in life and(b)often children are told to concentrate upon the process of making money instead giving them advices by their parents regarding the pursuance of the principles such as truth,love,brotherhood,tolerance and compassion in their lives.Such crazy pursuit of money creates an atmosphere of use and throw culture leading to this objectionable state of affairs in the life of the old parents.At the end of the day,the old parents have each other for company,here in the poem the husband/wife combination reconciles to their situation or fate with total resignation and finds solace in each others arms.Kudos to you for composing such a poem of magnificent nature. 

Written by Cijo Joseph Chennelil,The Head of the English Department Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology Chethipuzha Changanassary Kottayam District Kerala India All Copyrights Reserved@ On 16th September 2017.

Thanks and gratitude to my adorable friend and eminent poet Tulsi Shrestha for his wonderful analysis and words of appreciation which made the poem complete

The most beautiful lines of your creation where soul of spirt embodied there in...

" look at me, am I not your whole world ? 
am I not your dream, present,past and future  ?
When I am here ,why are you so sad  ?

The empathetic expression really moved me and my cheeks stained with tears. 
Most of old aged parents have been facing such a painful situation and their grown up sons never try to listen scream of their grief and loneliness. 
These lines do reflect and echo bitter reality of modern society. 

Salute for your creativity and articulation skill to ensure emotional sensitivity in each word and event. 
I adore you my dear friend for your unique exceptional write.


No present to live for,
no future to look forward to
I was unfolding the pages of life
to feel the beautiful moments I lived
to know the person I was
which is so alien right now.

That dilapidated building,
my wife's dream,
built on my sweat and blood
still stands there.
The delicately furnished interiors
with lots of dirt and filth now
laugh at me
telling me how wrong and futile I was
in dreaming a future 
that never came by.

The broken walls of the house,
persian carpets hanging on it
with coats of dusts remind me
how elegant once they were,
how passionately they were decorated
like a bride to welcome my son
and his newly wed.

How beautiful and fulfilling life was
the crumbling relics of which now we have,
the costly toys and beautiful gadgets
lovingly procured for our grand children
lying dead in a corner,
like us they need someone's touch
to come alive again.

Recapitulating those glorious days
and fascinating moments
completely lost I was.
Alll of a sudden
I felt someone touching my shoulder.
She was non else but
my wife with a cup of tea
passionately looking at me,
telling me with a loving smile,
'look at me, am I not your whole world?
am I not your dream, present, past and future? when I am here, why are you so sad'

copyright@smrutiranjan 15.9.2017 #Thanks and gratitude Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literay critic for your fabulous analysis of my poem 'A LOOK AT LIFE -43'.Infact your brilliant interpretation of the poem made it look more beautiful and complete

Smruti Ranjaniji,

Your poem titled"A Look At Life -43"is a poem that sheds light on the alienation and isolation experienced by old parents in the evening of their life due to them being abandoned by their grown up children,this is a horrend

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

Here is the critical appreciation of my poem SOMETHING I LOOK AT-54 by non other than Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literary critic in beautiful words.Thanks and gratitude sir for your words of appreciation Dear Smruti Ranjaniji, Your poem titled"Something I Look at-54"is an ample tribute to women and the yeoman services they render to humanity in multiple ways,a woman comes to the life of a child as a mother,she bears a child for ten months,delivers hi

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Here is the critical appreciation of my poem SOMETHING I LOOK AT-54 by non other than Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literary critic in beautiful words.Thanks and gratitude sir for your words of appreciation

Dear Smruti Ranjaniji,

Your poem titled"Something I Look at-54"is an ample tribute to women and the yeoman services they render to humanity in multiple ways,a woman comes to the life of a child as a mother,she bears a child for ten months,delivers him/her with much pain,tends him/her with much consideration and care,takes him/her around to show the moon in the sky and teaches him/her to reach out to scale the difficult and torturous terrines in life.It is imperative that a woman of such magnanimous nature should not be banished and taken to the wire,instead she must be nurtured and taken care of under any trying situation.She is an embodiment of what the child is,the denial of her existence is a denial of life itself in all its various dimensions and strands.Till the last moment,the poem is kept in a state of suspense with respect to its theme,but at the end,the suspense is removed and the clear idea is ushered in slowly but resolutely,this poem is all about a comparison between a mother and poetry,the skill of poetry writing is equated with motherly affection and that skill must not be destroyed by anyone on account of many factors influencing life,instead this ability must be honed and brought up steadily in one's life,so that this authentic skill can furnish us with everything and anything in the course of time.Let us all embrace the poetic faculty which does have the motherly affectionate side to it all the way.Kudos to you for composing such a poem of magnificent nature.

Written by Cijo Joseph Chennelil Associate Professor Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology Chethipuzha Changanassary Kottayam District Kerala India All Copyrights Reserved@ On 10th September 2017.


Never is the woman a burden 
who carried you all along 
never can she be a burden who put
you on her shoulder to show you the skyline
never she is a liability who lived her whole
life for you and inculcated in you 
the drive to look at the moon

Don't kill her when she is still alive
If you torn her  heart into pieces
each piece will have your name inscribed
if you bring  tears in her eyes
each drop will reflect you and tell
different stories, each more vivid and poignant than the other

It is she incarnate in you
peep into her heart
it is you who reign there
don't  break it
you will only break yourself
don't put fire in that beautiful garden
you will only burn yourself
look at her eyes which only see you
listen to her heart that only beats for you, she is flowing in your every artery and vein, her whole being is you

Look at her 
the poetry of love and dedication
only needs a bit of it
to carry her a little further
don't think she is a burden, she is your first and last line of defence, always with you  for ever
make her life cup full
you will get the ocean in return

copyright@smrutiranjan 7.9.2017 Here is the critical appreciation of my poem SOMETHING I LOOK AT-54 by non other than Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literary critic in beautiful words.Thanks and gratitude sir for your words of appreciation

Dear Smruti Ranjaniji,

Your poem titled"Something I Look at-54"is an ample tribute to women and the yeoman services they render to humanity in multiple ways,a woman comes to the life of a child as a mother,she bears a child for ten months,delivers hi


# when does life become easy?? but it is too difficult to all and also for me

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when we don't care about what peoples says , 
leaving fear ,
when we are honest about our realationship 
we value those peoples who care about me ,
more than things ,
when walking together instead of alone ,
instead of searching in moments find happiness in little moments ,
when we love ourself 
life  become easy .... # when does life become easy?? 
it is too difficult to all and also for me

Ye Mere Alfaaz

don't #Die for your cheated #Love #instead die for your country. #vandemataram #happyindependenceday. nojoto #nojotohindi #nojotoshayri s

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Yaaron suicide cancel,

un bewafaao ke liye jaan denge to bewakoof kehlayenge...

Hundustan ke liye marrenge to desh ke sapoot to kehlayenge.
...222 Jai Hind don't #die for your cheated #Love #Instead die for your country. #vandemataram #HappyIndependenceDay. #nojoto #nojotohindi #nojotoshayri #nojotoquotes

Internet Jockey

She's strong but she's tired For most of my life, I’ve felt pressure to be strong for others. For my friends, for my family, for partners I’ve had – anyone. I’ve always had to be the rock they could lean on. People have always expected me to be there for them. Whenever they need help, I am the one they lean on. Empathy, advice, and reassurance are the things that people have come to know me (and in the end, rely on me) for. I’ve always felt the weight of other people’s expectations on my shoulde

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She's strong but tired
- Maverick

( Description in caption) She's strong but she's tired
For most of my life, I’ve felt pressure to be strong for others. For my friends, for my family, for partners I’ve had – anyone. I’ve always had to be the rock they could lean on.
People have always expected me to be there for them. Whenever they need help, I am the one they lean on. Empathy, advice, and reassurance are the things that people have come to know me (and in the end, rely on me) for.
I’ve always felt the weight of other people’s expectations on my shoulde

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